How to accelerate the growth of cucumbers

How to accelerate the growth of cucumbers

Cucumbers are a favorite vegetable culture that does not always make good harvest. It often happens: while you will raude my own grown cucumbers, you already enjoy purchased in the market. The first cucumber no longer seems to be so long-awaited delicacy. Let's talk how to speed up the growth and yield of cucumbers.

Observe the temperature regime

To accelerate the growth of cucumbers, you need to grow them in a greenhouse or planting ready-made seedlings in a greenhouse. The thermal-loving culture does not tolerate large day and night temperatures - during the day not lower than 25, and at night 18. In the hot sunny days, greenhouse and shelter are ventilated. With a decrease in the atmospheric temperature below 15, save the situation in the unheated greenhouse and a greenhouse, the compost is properly laid out from the autumn, and watering the heating of the hot solution of urea.

Greenhouse cucumbers need additionally in CO2

For greenhouse plants, it is necessary to maintain carbon dioxide level, the rate of 0.5% -0.6%. In case of insufficient quantity, the growth of the plant is braked, and the harvest is reduced by 45%. Solve the problem will help:

  • capacity with a bolt from fresh cowboat that isolation of fermentation carbon dioxide
  • dry ice - carbon dioxide in solid aggregate state, which unfolds around the perimeter of the greenhouse
  • pressure carbon dioxide in cylinders

Right watering

Cucumbers moisthed vegetable culture. After transplanting seedlings, it is necessary to pour the soil under the root of the plant (on the leaves it is impossible to pour water) with a warm water at the rate of 1 m². So that the cucumbers grew quickly, after flowering the amount of water we reduce up to 4 liters per 1m². Growth energy will head to the development of wounds, and not on the formation of new leaves and shoots. With the appearance of the first zeroze, it is necessary to water the cucumbers every day.

Powerful root enhances the growth of cucumbers

A strong root with a large suction surface will provide a quick and rich crop of cucumbers. Strengthen the root system, you can use:

  • growth Bostimulator "Korniner"
  • making phosphoric fertilizers
  • weaken seedlings for 10 cm
  • capture 10-15 cm of the lower part of the escape of the earth, to form a powerful urine system

Daily harvesting cucumber

The more often the cucumbers are chosen, the more new zerovy is formed. Do not spare, and tear the small cucumbers - they picked, they are the most delicious and perfectly suitable for the winter workpiece. Old yellow cucumbers inhibit the formation of a new margin.

Artificial pollination

In the greenhouse, artificial pollination is often used for the formation of zeroze. Tassels are drying up then in one, then in another flower, thus carry pollen from a male flower stamen on a female pestle. You can put a hive in the greenhouse with bees, they will pollize flowers, and smoke, a week before the formation of the wound, will increase the number of female colors. Gardeners often pinch the escape of the cucumber on the fifth of the present sheet, on the side shoots faster the ovary is formed.

Regular subordinate

For the summer, the cucumbers need to feed 4-5 times for this it is best for it:

  • mineral nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, granulated superphosphate, urea)
  • organic (Ibid chicken, rabbit litter, wood ash, infusion of grass)
  • exclusive (milk, yeast or black bread closed in water)

If you adhere to all recommendations, you will be satisfied with the result of your work, and get the proper return for your work. Cucumbers are the most common vegetable not only in the summer, but also the leader among snacks in the billets for the winter.

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