How to shape tomatoes

How to shape tomatoes

In proper formation of the Tomato bush, the secret of ripening large fruits and the receipt of a rapid crop. Removing the side shoots formed between the main barrel and the leaves of the plants, we form a krona of the bush, we do not give the plant to grow. This agricultural reception is called step

Packing tomato

For varieties of tomatoes with high escapes - the necessary measure, without which the plant will give a late crop with small fruits. There are tomatoes with an average height of stems, requiring moderate steaming, and for instances with dense low bushes, this method is limited by the removal of lower leaves and steps. By the nature of the height and branching, tomatoes are:

  • low (determinant) up to 50-80 cm high
  • high (intederminant) up to 2 m high
  • average (semi-reader) 1.5-2 m height

The formation of a tattomat of a pausing tomato in one stem is recommended for plants of tall (intederminant) growing up to 1.5 in height.

  • For such varieties, they advise to leave the main stem, and the side shoots cut off with scissors.
  • Steying, 4-6 cm in size, we remove early in the morning so that in the evening the wound on the cut is dragging.
  • Palencing is carried out several times per season, as the stubborn shoots form.
  • In place of the cut, we leave 1-1.5 cm fuels, which will not allow lateral offspring again.

The semi-cake variety of tomato has the middle length of escapes with a large mass of foliage and side shoots. For the formation of a productive bush, you can leave 2-3 stubborn escapes after the first brush. Such a plant tie to the support and all side shoots that have reached a length of 5-7 cm, we break.

Determinant varieties have short interstices, with a small distance from the first brush to the second, such plants are not meat.

  • Tomatoes with a low stem at a height of 3-4 sheets form 4-5 inflorescences for the entire growing season.
  • To form a stem of such a plant and tie to the support does not make sense if you want the fruits to be large, leave 4-5 flower on inflorescences, and remove the rest.

Top Pipher Tomato

Pipher - restriction of the growth of the stem pinching the tip of escape. Tomatoes grown in the southern regions do not require pitching point of growth. In places with a short summer, breaking the tip of escape makes it possible to reset the fruits, and not spend the forces on the formation of new bandy. We pinch the top of the tomato until the middle of August, if this is not done, the plant will bloom to cold and form many green fruits that will not have time to mature.

Pasching the tomatoes and the tailing of the tops do not give the growing vegetative mass of the plant. All the vital energy of the plant is directed to the formation and ripening of fruits.

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