How to cut cucumbers and tomatoes

How to cut cucumbers and tomatoes

Huge choice beautiful decorated salad on festive tablethis is oK, but often guests not are eating their on various reasons. Who is sitting on diet, a whothen simply not used mayonnaise or other refuel. Output there isthis is vegetable slicing from cucumbers and tomatoes. These vegetables help digest food, a yet accelerate exchange substances and output toxins from organism. For togo  to slicing had exquisite and beautiful view, necessary explore some options decorating.
More often total v cutting used exactly such vegetables how cucumbers and tomatoes. it explained contrast their shades. In addition to all sorts cutting, can create flowers and variouselements from peel and flesh.

1) Beautifully cut cucumbers and tomatoes - p razb from tomatoes and leaf from cucumber

  • Decoration v video roses will be decoration table., that evaluate all invited. For formation of this decorating element necessary prepare spicy knife. WITH his help cutting down wider striped peel tomato. on direction from vercha and before basis.
  • Then received lentu. lay out fleshy inside on circle. Start off necessary with narrow end, a wider part should form open petals.
  • Obtained rosets can place on edge plates or decorate hot meat dishes. Excellent supplement to rose will be ozurchichny leaf.
  • For receipt next element necessary take cucumber and cut his popolam. along length.
  • Then v samoa widespread region vegetable do oblique nurses. Each second lytic turn inside. Thus way, it turns out leaf to rose.

2) How beautiful to cut cucumbers and tomatoes - to arbian vegetables

This technique will allow do designer elements yet more attractive. Cars presents by himself cutting out furrot on surface vegetables. This technique fits for vegetables with dense fleshy or tolstoy kinder.

So, consider how do decoration v video rings. They can to be normal and created at aid cars. Later necessary cut cucumber on dolki. middle thickness, cut main w. circles. Such decorations can use how v quality single elements decor., so and connect their v chain at aid nurses for basins.

3) How beautiful to cut cucumbers and tomatoes - b aback from tomatoes

Tomatoes can slice v video beautiful butterfly. For of this need several tomatoes middle size. Later slice their on 8 the same share. Then with eVERY piece take off peel half at aid knife. V total operate solo. a tomato with curls. If nearby lay out two such parts, then can receive silhouette of this beautiful insect.

4) How beautiful to chop tomatoes - c things and petals tomatov

For receipt lepalsy necessary divide tomato on two parts. Cut side put on board. Then do neckline on diagonal on level 1,5 cm. Turn out this wedge and do with nIM those same operations. Obtained dolki. necessary lay out friend on friend and slightly move on direction to axis.

A to do flower, necessary divide a tomato on 8 parts. Make leather starting out with center and before halves. V total, should come out a tomato with curls on bocames, which speaker v quality leaves sunflower. Additionally decorate obtained flower can at aid macov grains.

5) How beautiful cut cucumbers - l semoys from cucumbers

At aid beautiful slicing can turn most normal table v festive. For of this need washed elastic cucumbers without pupkov. Then each vegetable slice on lamp 6t. santimeter length, which also divide on 2 parts. Then cut slices parallel planes, but not before end. After of this do reception v vegetable, remove  flesh with seeds.

For fit finished species necessary take non-cut part vegetable and at aid toothpick fix her v opposite side. V total should come out sail with mastta.

Reception can fill in anyone composition. it maybe to be red caviar and salmon, salad from crab chopsticks and cheese, a also cheese with garlic and mayonnaise.

Today very many options creative slicing. For receipt original compositions would need oK sharpened knife, which the will allow thin slice vegetables. SO time normal food will to look like creative.
From meakty can cut flowers, a from peel lay out original composition. Important element v decoration such dishes are toothpick. Also can acquire knives for carving.
Today slicing presents by himself not only smooth lowned circles, a and creative and original  options.

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