How to remove the peel with tomatoes

How to remove the peel with tomatoes

The recipe for many dishes includes tomatoes, peeled from the peel. This is due to the fact that the peel not only gives a bitter aftertaste, spoils the uniformity of dishes, but also is capable of riding and sticking into the mouth, the process of digestion is worsening. That is why each mistress should know several tricks of rapidly cleaning tomatoes.

How to remove the peel with tomatoes using blanching

This method helps not only get rid of the peel, but also allows you to prevent infection with harmful microorganisms and worms' eggs. Therefore, blanches and schools are predominantly used in catering institutions and schools.
How to do it:

  • Make a crossed incision on tomatoes.
  • Put the tomatoes on the sieve and hide them with boiling water.
  • Remove the peel by pulling the corners.

How to remove the peel with tomatoes according to the method "From heat to cold"

This method is used to clean the solid tomatoes of the average degree of maturity, which are difficult to blanch.

How to do this:

  • Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and remove it from the fire.
  • In the meantime, reap the peel on the caste-cross-time tomatoes on the one hand.
  • Lower the prepared copies in boiling water and hold them there 20-30 seconds.
  • As soon as the edges of the peel a little, pull the tomatoes from hot water and immediately immerse them in a cold water container.
  • Now pull for the raised edges of the skins and tomatoes are easily cleaned.

Advice! If you did not work, repeat the procedure again.

How to remove the peel with tomatoes using the microwave

Almost every mistress has a microwave oven in the kitchen. But not everyone knows that this device can be used to clean the tomatoes.

Cleaning sequence:

  • Take the base at tomatoes.
  • Place them on a plate with a smooth bottom.
  • Check the plate into the microwave per 40-50 s., Turning the heating mode.
  • Pull the tomatoes and remove the peel that is easy to separate from the pulp.

On a note! If you need ready-made peeled tomatoes for cooking, you can pre-bake them in the oven. After cooking, the skin is easy to separate from the pulp. In addition, such a cooking process retains most of the vitamins.

How to remove the peel with tomatoes without heat treatment

The easiest and fastest way to remove the peel is cleaning with a vegetable knife or double-sided vegetable. This method uses most housewives, because it takes at least effort and time. The only minus is not a very presentable view of vegetables and a big loss of meakty. But this does not affect the final taste of the dish.

Advice! The resulting peel can be used to decorate dishes. A wonderful rosette will come out of neatly cut peel. To make it, you need to twist the skin in the form of a flower.

Having studied these simple ways to remove the peel, you can use purified tomatoes in your dishes without experienceing for their taste and quality.

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