What to fertilize tomatoes?

What to fertilize tomatoes?

The tomatoes planted on the beds will surely please you with an excellent harvest, but if you relate to them with love and care. Under this very concern, the weeding, and watering, and feeding. From this list it is difficult to allocate the most important action - they are all important. In the same article we will talk about fertilizers for tomatoes. What they are, how to use them and what time to make it in the ground.

Types of Fertilizers for Tomatoes

Like all garden crops, tomatoes can be picked up with complex mineral fertilizers, and organic. Comprehensive are sold at any garden store, and organic is easy to do on their own. At the same time, fertilize tomatoes should be started from the moment they are still small, i.e. In the form of seedlings.

What to fertilize tomato seedlings?

Research mostly people buy on the market, but some gardeners grow it independently. If you have a young plants on the window or in the greenhouse you look strong and green, you can not fit them at all, but if the seedlings visually looks sick, then it must be reanimated with the help of store mineral fertilizers. How to understand that seedling is sick:

  • Leaflets in young plants are very pale.
  • Residents on the back of the sheet have purple color.
  • Leafs look wrinkled.
  • The stem of a young plant is very thin and almost white.

In the case of a sick seedlings, buy any integrated fertilizer for seedlings and use it strictly following the instructions. Such drugs are also suitable:

  • Superphosphate. On 10 liters of water, put it 35 grams.
  • Potassium sulfate. On 10 liters of water it will require 12 grams.
  • Urea. For 10 liters of water, add only 4 grams.

All dry drugs mix and spread in the specified amount of water. For seedlings, it will take 3-4 feeding, after 10 -12 days each. Make the first one a week after dive, and the last one - for the week before the landing of tomatoes in the open ground.

What to fertilize tomatoes when disembarking seedlings in the ground?

If the land on the site is fertile and loose, then when the seedlings fall into the ground, no fertilizers should be applied. With very poor and severe earth, it must be attempting to improve.

  • In each boarding hole, pour a quarter of the bucket of the reworked cow manure.
  • Put 2-3 fresh twists in each well. The thief can even get frozen, but the main thing is not salty and not pickled.

Organizer, namely, these types of fertilizer is manure, will give tomatoam well to take root in the ground and enriches their useful substances. The decomposing fish, and this is also a organic to increase the amount of phosphorus in the ground and attract earthen worms. The latter will loose ground between the roots and tomatoes will receive a lot of soil oxygen.

What to fertilize tomatoes in the open soil?

There is a huge number of schemes for tomatoes and each gardener chooses for itself the most optimal. One such schemes looks like this and the store fertilizers are applied in it:

  • 3 weeks after disembarking seedlings in the ground. Liquid fertilizer "Ideal" - 1 tbsp., Nitroposka - 1 tbsp. l., water - 10 liters. Under each bush, pour 0.5 liters of the prepared solution.
  • During the dissolution of colors on the second fruit brush. Superphosphate - 1 tbsp, Potassium sulfate - 1 tsp., Shop fertilizer "Agrikola -vegeeta" - 1 tbsp., Water - 10 liters. All mix and support each bush with one liter of this solution.
  • During the dissolution of colors on a third fruit brush. Liquid sodium humate - 1 tbsp, nitroposka - 1 tbsp, water - 10 liters. This solution will need 5 liters per 1 square meter of bed. Calculate how many bushes it grows on this square meter and calculate the amount of fluid for each separate plant.
  • 2 weeks after the previous feeding. 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. Superphosphate. The declined fertilizer bucket is enough for you to feed all the tomatoes growing on the square 1 square square.

What else can you fertilize tomatoes?

Instead of a second or third feeding, described above, you can pamper your tomatoes by organic.

  • Fill any suitable capacity of the bird litter, put it exactly half the entire volume of the barrel or bucket. To the top, pour the capacity with water and, with a strong stick, mix all the contents. Blank the lid bucket and give future fertilizer to mature at least seven days. The resulting thick mass is watering with water in the 1/15 ratio (mass of litter / water). For each bush you will need 3 liters of this fertilizer.
  • Will the barrel of bevelled grass, better so that it is as much nettle as possible. Add water to the edge itself and put the container in the sun of days at 5-7. When the mass is wandering, you will beat the brown liquid and add 10 liters of water for each liter. This organic is pouring at least 5 liters for each bush.

Any feeding of tomatoes do in a wet and loose land. Immediately after making a useful solution under the bush, climb the ground with grass.

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