How to grow tomatoes in the open soil

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil

Tomato - one and most popular vegetables at the dinner table. And being in the garden, loves the sun's rays, is not friends with the wind and excessive rains. To grow it, you need to perform some conditions and then reserves will replenish red and juicy home tomatoes. Also red is whimsical to choose a neighbor. Friendly friends with carrots, onions and cucumbers, but do not want to maintain relationships with eggplants, potatoes and pepper.

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil - the preparation of the soil

Tomatoes are important ground with acidity from 6.0 to 7.0. The level is measured by a special test to determine the pH. If the value is low, then lime is added 0.5-0.8 kg per 1. sq.m. When raising - sulfur in the same quantities.

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil - timely watering

Tomatoes watered abundantly and rarely. In the spring and summer, until the weather conditions are not so hot, irrigated 1 time per week. When thorough heat comes, breaks are reduced to 2-3 times. Properly pour water under the root. Better in the evenings, after sunset.

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil - the seedling

The hole is digging a depth of 10-15 cm, watering with water and fertilizes minerals mixed with humus (1: 3). The plant is taken out of the drawer, cutting off the leaves, leaving 3 pcs. At the top to stimulate growth. Moisturizing will help extract seedlings. The root is planted in a hole with an earthen room, sprinkled with a compost, dry ground and tightly fit. The land is mounted with a layer of straw 10 cm. Time to mask tomatoes around 10 days without watering. In the case of temperature drops, a film with 5 cm holes are used, which is covered with a bush. After 10 preparatory days, seedlings are poured or a new one in the place of the deceased.

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil - the cluster of the bush

Typite tomatoes for good development against posting when contact with damp soil. Next to the bush there are pegs, the height depends on the total height of the stem (about 50-80 cm). The pegs are driven from north at a distance of 10 cm from the plant. We are tied up with the help of a rope 3-4 times over the entire period. Bachevka is tightened under heavy branches.

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil - the formation of a bush

It is also called step-down - from the very early age, side shoots are constantly removed. To the appearance of tomatoes of stepsing should not be. Clean them in the mornings when it is achieved in length 3-5 cm. Do not pull out correctly, but to break, cut off. Floral brushes are removed in which the fruits were not formed.

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil - feeding

From the moment of landing, after 2 weeks they make one right, and so 1 time in 10 days. First feeder - a coward with water 1:10, or chicken litter 1:20. The following feeders are made mineral fertilizers, for example, 60 g of nitroposk (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) with 10 liters of water. Before flowering, pour on each bush of 1 l, after - 3-5 liters.

How to grow tomatoes in the open soil - Fighting diseases

Weekly tomato sprayed, and solutions change each time. One week Bordeaux liquid, the other - the leek tincture.

  • The Bordeaux preparation helps grow more fruit, prevents the formation of rot, increases the resistance of fruits during storage, destroys parasites. How to cook: In one bucket, a flimsy lime is mixed with 100 g with water 5 liters. In another - copper vigorous 100 g and water 5 liters. The composition of two tanks is connected to each other. As a result, a solution of a nice blue color is obtained. It is checked for an alkaline reaction with metal objects. If the metal is covered with copper, acidity is increased. In this case, add lime. It is better in small portions to not be confused all the benefits.
  • Looken tincture: onion 100 g and garlic 100 g grinding with meat grinder. In the glass jar pour water and fall asleep the above ingredients, insist 3 days. In the plastic bucket - 200 g of a bird's litter and pour 5 liters of water. To withstand 3 days, after both fluids are mixed and focused through a sieve, gauze or fabric.

To land well, choose proven varieties, perfectly suitable for the terrain where they will be grown. Seedling is suitable only with strong stems, without lethargy, traces of illness, and with a whole root system. The leaves are not yellow, but dark green, without traces of flowering, so as not to injure the tomato during transplantation. Most of the failures begins with the wrong choice of seedlings, with this process should be more attentive.

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