What to feed peonies in the spring for lush flowering

What to feed peonies in the spring for lush flowering

Luxurious flowering of peonies is impossible without their timely feeding. The most relevant are the feeding of spring. They are responsible for the number of buds laid and for their magnitude.

Preparation of peonies for spring feeders

In the spring, as soon as snow comes down, the priority circle of peonies needs to be released from dry leaves and other garbage.

  • Having retreated 30-40 from the center of the bush, you need to slightly explode the earth.
  • Next, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the soil and if it dries too quickly after the melting of the snow, watering the peonies 1 time in 7-10 days.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the earth is simply wet, and not turned into a swamp.
  • Peonies do not like stagnation of water and when weaving may die.

Which spring feeders are necessary for peonies

Peonies are gratefully responded to both mineral and organic fertilizers. Minerals are sold in any garden shop, and organic each dachnik makes it yourself. Some gardeners mix the organic and mineral complexes and it is also quite acceptable.

In addition to feeding under the root, peonies also love feeding and on the sheet, when the healing of the bushes is sprayed from above.

Scheme of spring root pioneering

First subordinate

It is carried out at the moment when red peony sprouts have already appeared from the ground and they rose to a height of 2-3 cm. Usually this happens at the end of April or in early May.

  • At this time, a cow or horse manure is scattered around each bush on damp ground, be sure to spoke well.
  • A little nitroposki or any integrated fertilizer for garden flowers is added to the manure.
  • 100 g of shopping fertilizer is taken per 1 kg of manure.
  • This mixed fertilizer on the medium peon bush requires 300 grams (1 liter bank).
  • Fertilizer is well mixed with the upper layer of land under the peony.
  • Next, the scene is mounted with a slower peat.

Second subcord

It is done 15-20 days after the first. At this time, the pions are already tied buds. This time, the feeding is made liquid and 2-3 liters of fertilizers are poured under each bush. How it is preparing:

  • One part of the cow's litter and 3 parts of the water is mixed. The infusion is withstanding 10 days to be fermented. The resulting drop-off mass is mixed to homogeneity and diluted with ten more parts of water. This solution is called a cow.
  • 10 liters of cowboy takes and 2 tablespoons of any fertilizer with phosphorus and 1 tablespoon of any fertilizer with potassium are added to it. Phosphoric fertilizers: superphosphate, ammophos, diammophos, bone flour, etc. Potash fertilizers: potassium chloride, humate potassium, sulfate potassium, caliMagnesia, etc.

Third subordinate

Although it is done already after the flow of peonies, the luxurious bloom of peonies also depends on it in the next year. The feeding is made in wet ground and the bushes are poured by such a solution: 10 liters of water + 30 g of superphosphate + 15 g of potassium sulphate.

Scheme of spring feeding of peonies on the sheet

In the sheet, peonies are fed by spraying on the plant of a special nutrient solution. Used garden sprayer or ordinary home paint. In order for the fertilizer to be on the leaves, and not fastened with them, half a teaspoon of a liquid detergent for dishes or a special dense solution is added to each liter of the prepared solution for dishes or a special thick solution, which is sold in garden centers called "adhesive". Pyon leaf feed closer in the late afternoon and in dry weather.

First subordinate

The best time for feeding on the sheet is mid-may. Water and urea are mixed for fertilizer. Water requires 10 liters, urea - 50 g.

Second subcord

Made two weeks after the first. For her, 10 liters of water are taken, 2 tablespoons of urea and 1/2 part of a teaspoon of complex flower fertilizer. Fertilizers are sold at any store and are called "integrated" or "microferters". They include all the desired trace elements.

Third subordinate

It is carried out 14 days after the second. Now, in ten liters of water, only the first-bought microfertilization was divorced and it requires 1 teaspoon or 2 tablets.

In addition to spring feeders, peonies require that they are not forgotten about them in the fall. This video will tell than to feed the peonies in the fall and how to prepare them for winter.


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