How to care for the gooseberry

How to care for the gooseberry

So that the gooseberries be plentifully fruitful, it is important for the bushes. Berries are valued by increased vitamin content. It is always welcome delicacy for children and adults. Culture can be found almost on each garden, and even the oldest copies are able to give fruit after 30 years of active fertility. Start with landing and finish with fertilizers, the fight against pests.

Landing gooseberry

Bushes are planting in spring, autumn. The main thing is not to miss the period after thawing the snow and before breaking the kidneys. Landing does not worsen the survival rate on schedule. Between plants withstand a gap from 1 to 2 m, depending on the dimensions. If a seedlings of 2 years, a trench of 0.5 m deep is drunk. Fertilizers add to the pit:

  • survy potassium - 40 g,
  • wood ash - 100 g,
  • manure - 10 kg,
  • superphosphate double - 50 g.

The dried plots are removed, the stem is buried in the ground under a slight tilt, walking the soil, thereby removing the emptiness. Finish landing by irrigation.

How to care for the gooseberry - watering

On 1 large bush pour from 2 to 3 buckets of water. The stems dried very quickly with its lack of. The soil should be loose and wet. The diameter of the bush makes grooves depth 15 cm with a garden blade. The distance to the extreme lower branches is 40 cm. This gap is needed to preserve the integrity of the root system. Mulching is carried out to prevent moisture evaporation. 1 Mulching is able to replace 2 irrigation. The material covering the ground around (between the rows also, a layer of 8 cm - peat, compost, a freshly joined grass. Enrich the roots with oxygen (1 time per month) breaking the earth around the plant with a boat, parallel to Korchuya weed.

How to care for the gooseberry - fertilizer

Under each bush of a young plant poured 3 liters of fertilizer, at least 5 feeding for 1 year.

  • First feeding.
    Start in April with the first kidneys. On 1 boiling water bucket - 1 l of potato cleaning, cool to 50 ° C. At the bucket to glue 1 cup of ashes and pouring into the ground has not yet cooled.
  • Second feeding.
    It is carried out during flowering. Nettle fertilizer: Young plants without seeds are finely cut and filled with a plastic (wooden) capacity for 3/4 capacity, water take warm on the total volume of dishes. Tightly closed and insist 1 week, include daily mixing. In warm weather, the decomposition process is faster. Friction ends when the foam leaves, an unpleasant smell and dark color will appear.
  • Third feeding.
    It begins during the time of tapping the berries in the same Nasty from nettle.
  • Fourth feeding.
    Vintage is assembled - you can fertilize. On 1 bucket of warm water, 1 cup of biohumus is poured, it is stirred to homogeneity. The infusion is prepared for 1 day.
  • Fifth feeding.
    In the fall, 2 buckets of compost are added before preparation for winter under each bush.

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of good yield. The composition of the fertilizer for old-timers: bird litter - 1:20 (1 bucket on m2), cowboy solution - 1:10 (1 bucket on m2). Increase the quality of the feeding by mixing to the mineral organ. On 1 bucket of water: Karambit - 10 g, Superphosphate - 20 g, sulfate potassium - 8 g. Time of feeding - after a complete harvest, not more than 1 time per year.

How to care for the gooseberry - pruning

A young bush is trimmed with garden scissors (do not shield the branches with their hands!) To increase the growth of berries in the very first year. Pruning forms the crown, eliminates a dense. For 4 years of life, the weakest and dry branches on 3/4 are cut out, clean the pomp of the branches. The best moment for circumcision is the time after harvest or before the advent of the kidneys.

How to care for the gooseberry - pest

Against the sawmakers, tweever or fires apply treatment in the spring, such a mixture: carbofos, ash infusion and biopreparations. Infusion of ash - 1 kg d.z. Mixed with 3 liters of water, leave for a day. Plant spray from watering can after flowering.

The mildew of the dew is removed with the first signs (gray spots on the leaves) with a solution of food soda and iron vigor. Food Soda on 1 L Warm Water 5 g.

Berries are popular in cooking, in the summer, used for the manufacture of jam. Gooseberry just collect, as it grows very together and matures at the same time. With good scenario from the bush, up to 6 kg of fruits. In working with the plant should be careful - spikes grow on the branches. If you plant a bushes according to the rules, large empty areas are formed between them, which cannot be filling out because the minerals and the nutrients needed for growth will go to the side.

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