How to care for roses in the garden

How to care for roses in the garden

Healthy and well-groomed roses bushes may even turn the lands to the paradise bush. Roses - the plant is rather demanding, so you should not be lazy to lazy people for their cultivation. But if you are ready to try to grow even one blooming bush, then this is an article specifically for you. It will be told about the general principles of roses, which will come up with a beginner flower.

How to care for roses - Rules for proper landing

Roses are not very fond of chernozem - the bushes on it will grow huge and greasy, but you should not wait for abundant blossoms from roses. It is best to plant roses in a soil called loam. It is mixed with a small amount of clay. If you have a notorious black thing on the site, then add 1/4 of the clay to the landing pit. And do not forget to pour out a whole bucket of a reworked two or three-year cowhide. It is also mixed with earth and clay. Cow manure can be replaced by horse, but also well overworked.

If the roses are already growing on your site and you do not know whether the landing pit has been refilled, then in early spring, make a lightweight refueling:

  • Returning from a rose rose 15-20 cm, dig around it a circular groove with a depth of 10 cm.
  • The grooves are well span.
  • In the resulting circular deepening uniform layer (5-7 cm) decompose the overwhelmed manure.
  • Dung in the grooves suprate the usual dry ground.

Now, with each watering of roses, useful substances from the manure along with water will flow to the roots of roses and feed it.

How to care for roses - Spring trimming

In the spring, wait for the kidney swelling and cut those parts of the shoots that were frozen in winter. You will see it on the lack of live kidney on them. Cut roses in such a way that the upper live kidney is on the outside of escape. It is necessary in order for the basal escape (on it then will begin to form flowers) was directed from the bush.

Also delete all weak and thin shoots, even if they are alive. With the help of a secant, cut and shoots that thicken the center of the rose bush. Experienced rosishes advise to look at the bush and submit whether to put a soccer ball in the center of the plant. If yes, the bush is formed correctly. The fact is that the thickened bush will bloom weakly and can be affected by all sorts of disease. For their prevention, the rose must be well ventilated.

How to care for roses - feeding

Surely you want your roses to please the eye with a buoy blossom. To do this, you will have to try and make bushes for a season several times.

  • Undercaming in early April. You will need nitrogen fertilizer. You can buy ready-made, which is called "Kemira Spring". You can take urea or nitrate ammonium. All fertilizers are divorced in such a proportion: on 10 liters of water 1 tablespoon. Before watering the roses, the diluted fertilizer is well span the ground with ordinary water.
  • Undercaming in mid-April. Make feeding roses into the grooves dry overwhelming dung, as described in the first paragraph of this article.
  • Upborn in early May. Do it if you did not have time or forgotten to pay attention to roses in April. In May, you can also use an ammonium nitrate or urea (10 liters of water + 1 tbsp. Fertilizers).
  • For feeding in mid-May, use homemade organic fertilizer. For him, fill the barrel of grass from the plot and fill it with water. Give fertilizer to breed 7-10 days, and then paint roses (3-4 liters of infusion under each bush).
  • Undercaming in early June. At this time, roses begins bootonization. So that the buds were a lot and they all bloomed in the future, adopt the bushes with the infusion of a cowboat or chicken litter. Large bucket fill half litter or manure and fill them up to top water. Insist fertilizer for at least a week, and then divert it with clean water (1/10 ratio - infusion / water proportion). Depending on the size of the bushes, for each pour 5-20 liters of feeding.
  • Undercalink in July. In July, the first wave of roses flowering is usually completed. When the colors on the bushes almost never remain, adopt the plants with universal fertilizer with a large content of phosphorus and potassium. Buy "Kemir Universal" or other such fertilizer. Divide as it is written on the packaging.
  • Undercotting at the end of July or early August. 10 days after the first July feeding, paint the rose fertilizer from grass or infusion of a cowboat or chicken litter.
  • Second feeding in mid-August. Use fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus - "Kemira Universal".
  • Last feeding in September. In the fall, adopt roses with fertilizer with a predominance of magnesium and potassium in it. This fertilizer is called "potassiummagnesia" and sold in any garden shop. Clearly follow the instructions for breeding the drug with water.

How to care for roses - watering

Roses are very responsive to watering, but it is not necessary to do it very often. In the cool summer, the bushes enough watering once every 7-8 days. In hot more often: once every 4-5 days. Watering, produce in the evening and pre-well wondering the ground around the bushes. Under each bush, pour at least one bucket of water, and if the bush is very big, then two. Watering produce water that warmed up a little in the sun. To do this, get a barrel and keep water in it. Cold water from the well or well will damage roses and they will not develop. Immediately after watering, climb the roses or the next morning, just shry the ground around the bushes.

Watering only under the root. Sprinkle for roses is categorically prohibited. Moisture on the leaves leads to fungal diseases that are rather difficult to destroy.

How to care for roses - protection against diseases and pests

Roses, especially old varieties of Soviet breeding, often sick with flies dew and black spot. To prevent these dangerous diseases, every two weeks handle the roses with so-called fungicides. To date, such drugs have a huge amount: topaz, phytosporin, Albit, Hom and others. Carefully read the instructions and divorce the drugs very precisely. If the proportions are non-compliance, you risk burning leaves on roses.

Very often, TLL appears on young roses buds. It is best to remove with a small household sprayer with water. If the thoughts are very much, then buy any chemical remedy for sucking pests. These funds are called insecticides and sold in the same garden shops. An example is the spark of Bio, Akarin, Aktellik, Fufanon and others.

How to care for roses - removal of shockflowers

To roses please you with blossom whole summer, be sure to cut off the sharp secateur all the colors that have already lost their attractiveness. Pruning the blurred inflorescences will stimulate the development of new shoots on which new buds will appear.

Of great importance in caring for roses has their preparation for winter. How to protect plants from frost and abundant snow, look in the roller placed below.

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