How to care for tulips

How to care for tulips

The graceful flower of the tulip is striking by its view. It combines bright colors and booton tenderness. In order for the beauty of the colors pleased as much as possible, it is necessary to care for them. This article will tell you how to do this correctly: from disembarkation of bulbs before fading leaves.

Care of tulips from landing to buds

Although the tulip is an unpretentious plant, from improper care of the bulbs can be dried, empty buds will appear and the stem will appear. Therefore, it is important to start leaving the colors from the moment of the selection of bulbs and the correct landing.

  • A lot of important role in the formation of strong plants is played by landing. It should be a flower bed with an abundance of sunlight and loose ground.
  • Bulbs before disembarking process with special means. In addition, choose them without signs of rotting with a smooth surface and a large size.
  • The first leaves of tulips are beginning to grow in the third decade of March. So that the earth warmed uniformly, be sure to remove the leaves and branches from the ground. This will speed up the growth of colors.
  • As soon as the first sprouts appear, immediately inspect them. If you have noticed the lesions from the disease or rot on the bulb, then you need to dig and throw such flowers. So the disease will not spread to other shoots.
  • Earth around the shoots must be constantly loose. This will ensure the influx of oxygen to the roots. Do this procedure as much as possible throughout the growth of colors.
  • Moderately moisturize the soil where tulips grow to the beginning of their flowering. But at the same time do not allow it to dry.
  • The first feeding of plants is carried out during the first leaf. At this stage, use nitrogen-containing drugs.
  • Make a challenge feeder when the flower will release the third sheet. At this time, complex fertilizers are needed by plants.
  • To form a good bud, make up the colors with a large phosphorus content with potassium. At the same time, fertilizers must contain less nitrogen.
  • But when the buds are just started to open, use fertilizers with a complete power complex.
  • During feeding, make sure not to burn the leaves and roots of the plants. It is best to divide fertilizer with water and gradually enter it. During the first fertilizer, the colors should not scatter the means on the snow. It melts unevenly.

Tulips care during flowering

When tulips begin their bloom, care is changing and requires special attention.

  • Watering should be abundant, but use the water warm. With sunny weather and during feeding, make sure that the water does not hit the leaves and the flower stem. Otherwise, it will cause the plants' burns.
  • During active bloom, it is necessary to think not only about the bud, but also to the formation of bulbs. At this stage of growth of tulips, use fertilizers whose composition contains manganese with boron and zinc.
  • Also inspect the plants for disease. If you notice damage to colors, then dig them so that the disease does not spread to other inflorescences.
  • Some diseases of the colors go through juice. Therefore, be sure to handle the garden tool after each plant cutting.
  • Make sure that the dry crust of the earth around the blooming tulips is not formed. Be sure to loosen it after irrigation and pull out the weeds.

Tulips care after flowering and drying

It is mistaken to believe that plants care stops after flowering. To get beautiful bloom for the next season, you need to continue to take care of the colors.

  • Although the tulips bloom shortly, they should not be cut immediately. Leave the stalk and leaves for another 2-3 weeks. During this time, the bulb will type the maximum amount of nutrients. Abundant watering plants is mandatory.
  • If you do not want to spoil the kind of flower beds with empty stalks, then pre-put the tulips in the pot or baskets. You can dig up them after flowering and leave for pouring bulbs elsewhere.
  • There are small tricks, how to grow a healthy and big bulb. For further seating of tulips, cut off the bud of the bud at 5-7 days of flowering. So the whole "power" will go into the bulb, and not on the flower.
  • Immediately remove the fallen petals, otherwise they will cause rotting on the leaves.
  • Cut the stalks only when they get a yellow shade. Otherwise, the bulb will cease to form.
  • It is possible to determine the ripening of the bulbs in brown spots on its skin and formed roots.
  • Dump the bulbs carefully, while deeply lower the shovel. So you will avoid the risk of cut the bulbs.
  • Vintage must be dried, sorted, treat special tools and deposit.

Tulips care immediately after planting bulbs

  • Tulips bulbs are taken to plant autumn. Grocery must be accurate, break before planting.
  • The first time a bed with plants is plenty. Then go to the preparation of colors to wintering. To do this, first adopt the tulips and put a small layer of peat.
  • As soon as the cold will come, cover the earth to avoid its freezing.

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