Than to feed the apple tree

Than to feed the apple tree

In order for the apple trees not to hurt, the green mass and fertile were fruited every year, they need to systematically feed them. There are different types of feeding - under the root, in crown, organica, mineral and bactericidal mixtures, according to science and folk methods, the main one is to comply with the scheme of making and the norm on fertilizer consumption.

Than to feed the apple tree in the spring

Early spring apple trees quickly go into growth - shoots are pulled out, kidney swell and reveal. This work takes a lot of nutrients in plants, so gardeners rush to feed the trees, giving them the opportunity to gain strength for flowering and fruiting.

Apple tree feeding in April

  • Bare and propagate the turf under the apple tree. Make a trench by a tallest circle at a distance of the half meter from the barrel.
  • Divide the horse manure with water 1: 3, break the formed by the groove and inspire it.

Important: During the growing season, only nitrogen-containing and organic fertilizers are put into the soil.

  • If you do not have the organodes, apply urea. Dissolve 30 gr. Granules in 7 liters of water and wet the rolling groove from the watering. Consumption - 4 buckets for the root.

Apple tree feeding in May

May is the time of flowering and secondary feeding of fruit trees.

  • Stir in water tanks (50 l) - 2 kg of chicken litter, 250 gr. Superphosphate, 200 gr. Potassium sulfate. Let it brew 3-4 days and adopt the garden at the rate of the calculation - 5 buckets per apple tree.
  • Prepare green fertilizer (how to do - see here), adding a bunch of wormwood to the mass. Dilute 1: 3 composition with water and treat a tree on a green flowering cone. This event will help you cope with the fruit and colorful.

What to bother with an apple tree in the summer

Summer feeding, mostly extractive, helps to improve the fetus fetus and deliver the tree from many fungal diseases.

  • Put a half-liter ash jar into the tank, pour it with boiling water (2 l). Filter cooled fluid. Bring the volume of fertilizer to 8-10 liters and - get an effective tool for preventing the paste and destruction of the Tly. Spray the apple with a solution of crown, capturing branches and trunk.
  • Do you prefer comprehensive fertilizer? Divide one of the drugs - Novofefer, Benefit, Effectant According to the instructions and treat the trees on the sheet mass.

Extra-green procedures spend 1 time in 15 days. Processing Complete over a year and a half before the main collection of fruits.

What to bother with apple trees - autumn events

Do you want an apple tree to survive a harsh winter? Be sure to be threatened and adopted:

  • cut dry branches and wipes (vertically growing processes);
  • collect dry foliage and burn it;
  • clean the spatula and take a crack wax on the crust. Turn the trunks and skeletal branches with a protective composition by taking on a bucket of water - 1.5 kg of lime, 300 gr. Japral, 1 tbsp. l. carboles;
  • drop on the priority circle of the wells (five pieces for the root), depth - 25 cm. Make a fresh korlard in them, suck the ground and break the territory under the apple tree with water. Consumption - 10 buckets on the tree;
  • instead of organic, you can bury fertilizer, type - double superphosphate, potash salt, phosphate flour. Dosage - on the package, watering is the same.

Now you know that apple trees need feeding the whole season: from early spring to late autumn. So hurry to apply the knowledge gained - fertilize your garden and will always be with a harvest.

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