What to treat tomatoes from phytofluors

What to treat tomatoes from phytofluors

Tomatoes grown by many gardeners, but not always the harvest pleases, but all the fact that tomatoes are subjected to an infectious disease under the sonorous name - phytoofer. In order to prevent the fruit of fruit, namely, the phytoophula is manifested, you need to carry out preventive measures in time.

Causes of the appearance of phytoophulas on tomatoes

Phytoofluorosis is a fungal lesion of the grain crops growing both in the open ground and in the greenhouses. Factors contributing to the occurrence of the disease:

  • calm of soil. Do not make lime to the site for tomatoes, because the staging is a direct path to the appearance of phytoophulas. Better add the organic to the soil, for example, overwhelmed horse manure;

  • building landings. In order for seedlings as high as possible by the Sun, apply a chess landing. Principle: Note two lines with a distance - 50 cm. Slow tomatoes first in one bed (the distance between bushes is 60 cm), then another, observing the intended order and so - before filling the garden;

  • drops of temperature. The maturation of tomatoes falls at the end of summer, therefore, learning about the approximation of cold weather, spray plants with a weak solution of mangalls.

Signs of appearance of phytoophulas on tomatoes

The phytoofer is impossible to confuse with another disease, so it disappears with dark color of the plant:

  • the first appearance is the scratch of black specks on the leaves;
  • after a couple of days, the stem is affected, and the fruits begin to black;
  • at the same time, the inflorescences are yellowing, dry and disappear.

What to treat tomatoes from phytoophulas - primary measures

Experienced dacities begin treatment of tomatoes from mid-July. But if the phyotophtor appeared earlier, act immediately:

  • will convert and burn the affected parts;
  • spray tomatoes to poisonous infusion: grind two heads of garlic, pour a mixture of 200 ml of water and leave for 6 hours. Strain, pour suspension into a bucket with water, there is a half-table of liquid mangalls of dark purple color;
  • to raise immunity, adopt the plants with green fertilizer. Recipe: Fill the capacitance of bevelled nettle (2/3 of volume), ash and dry rosacia (2 kg), add 1 liter of whey, 100 grams. yeast and pour with water to cover plant residues. After a week, the vitamin composition is ready. Dilute it with 1: 4 with water and break the tomatoes, giving 0.5 liters under the root.

What to treat tomatoes from phytofluors - Chemicals

The above methods did not help? Start using fungicides with the smallest toxicity. Such a line is related - Hom, Ordan, Quadris, Proton and others. Divide and apply drugs according to the instructions.

Important: The latest processing of chemicals can be made 20 days before the crop removal.

What to treat tomatoes from phytoophulas - curious solutions

There are unusual methods of combating phytoofluorosis. And although some of them seem funny, others are ridiculous, they work:

  • grind 20 trichopol tablets, pour the groove in warm water (7 liters), stir;
  • in the bucket (10 l) with water dissolve 10 drops of iodine;
  • on 1 liter of dairy serum, take 15 drops of iodine, 1 tbsp. Spoon of hydrogen peroxide. Helps at the first signs of the disease. Replaced solutions spray damaged bushes every 10 days.

What to treat pebble tomatoes - acceleration of ripening

Would you like patients with tomatoes less? Fit the phytoofer - accelerate the ripening of fruits. What to do:

  • remove new blooms;
  • clear the steps and the lower leaves, up to the brushes with constructive tomatoes;
  • injit the syringe under the sewers of tomatoes around 0.5 ml of strong alcohol, and they will redden a week a week ahead. And the taste of tomatoes will be common;

  • candle the stem head with a razor and insert a strut-wand into the hole - so you limit the nutrition of the bush and send its strength to ripening fruits. There will be the same if you hide the copper wire stalk at a height of 12 cm from the ground.

Of course, it's hard to fight with a phytoofluoro, but it's nice to realize that with simple methods you wanted her deserved kilograms of delicious tomatoes.

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