Than to handle cappist from pests

Than to handle cappist from pests

Cabbage is delicious and beloved by all the vegetable, which is indispensable in sch), borschs, polls and vitamin salads. But not only people understand the sense in the cabbage: its crispy leaves with pleasure harmful insects of our gardens with pleasure. There are many ways to handle cabbage from voracious pests, consider the simplest and most effective of them.

How to handle cappist from pests - folk remedies

Many dackets saved cabbage tested by grandmother's methods, approaching each pest individually.

How to handle cabbage from a cruciferous fleece

Cruciferous flea - small wintering bugs in the ground. In the spring, they get out of shelter and eat everything in a row: shoots of radish, mustard, leaf beet. Most of all gets cabbage seedlings - the goats are frozen in it small holes and the plant cares.

Measures of the struggle are reduced to scaring insect by sharp odors:

  • mix the ash and tobacco dust 1: 2 and let off the bushes;
  • divide 5 liters of water 5-7 drops of fir oil. Spray cabbage suspension obtained;
  • square on the molded area of \u200b\u200bspring garlic on the cabbage, as soon as the sprouts appear - plan the seedlings or make a bed of the bow - too.

What to handle cabbage from cabbage flies

From mid-May, a cabbage fly is activated, the masonry of the eggs of which is easy to detect in the lower part of the cabbage stem. The hatched larvae eating in the roots of the moves, which leads to the death of the plant. Your actions:

  • scatter on the garden of the sprigs of the wormwood or onion husk;
  • the decoction of the branches of the cherry and elder is more powerful: 10 liters of boiling water - 100 gr. Each ingredient. Brew, after six hours, strain the solution, and span the aisle.

What to handle cabbage from butterflies

Capportine Belyanka and scoop lay on cabbage leaves up to 100 eggs at once. If you give to hatch all the individuals, they are driving a harvest per day. How to fight that the butterflies leave no masonry on plants:

  • divide 3-4 tbsp. spoons of large salt in 6 liters of water and fill up bushes;
  • type five liters of hot water into the container, go back the grated household soap (1 piece) and 500 gr. ash. Let it brew, filter and treat Kochanny (better in clear weather).

Caterpilts still appeared? Fall in three liters of water for 200 gr. Potato and tomato tops, and after a day - use.

What to handle cabbage from the slug

  • Your cabbage beds chose slippers? Lose drinking soda under the bushes (packs enough for 15 kochanov), dry nettle or pyzhma flowers (by chopping on the bush).
  • Ground black pepper will be perfectly frightened by non-crushed guests - sprinkle them with the soil and no sluggage to you.

Than to handle cabbage from Tly

Sometimes cabbage leaves begin to spin, covered with white and brown spots, it means that you have a wave. Do not panic, do the following: dissolve 0.5 kg of dry mustard in 10 liters of water, add a glass of 9% vinegar and sprinkle a cooked talley colony.

By the way: this drink also does not tolerate caterpillars, fleece, butterflies.

What to handle cappist from pests - chemistry

If there are many pests in the garden, take into service the chemical preparations of a wide spectrum, type - Bolat, Spark, Fury. Divide the selected insecticide according to the instructions, wear the soil and the plant itself. We only spend such a procedure with a young searcher.

In the tying phase, use biological preparations - biccol, actor, Avertin, adhere to the expenditure standards that are specified on the packaging.

Than to handle cabbage from pests - agrotechnik

Considerable admission to the struggle with pests bring protective techniques:

  • in the fall at the soil resistance, we will break it with a burglar liquid - 1 l for 3 square meters. meter;
  • plant around the perimeter of the Groatok - Velhets, Calendul, Petunia. These flowers will scare dangerous insects;
  • once every three years, change the place of cultivation of the cabbage and do not put it after radish, radishes, turnips.

Use from the listed events those that you are suitable and will certainly achieve a high yield of cabbage.

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