How to grow cabbage in the open soil

How to grow cabbage in the open soil

It seems to many that care for the cabbage is not difficult, claiming that care is necessary only at the initial stage of cultivation, and after the plant develops itself. Only those who have never grown cabbage can adhere to this opinion, because with such success you can only get a crop loss. In fact, cabbage is not a pick-up plant, but there are several factors that negatively affect its development.

How to grow cabbage in open soil - secrets

Cabbage growing is a rather complicated and long-term process. At each stage there may be any problems, and if you do not know how and what to do correctly, you can spend a bunch of time and strength, and eventually stay without cabbage. So that you do not happen to this, we will reveal some secrets of growing this culture.

  • Correct variety. Before buying seeds, you need to decide which cabbage when and what you need. From this choice will depend on the occasion of sowing cabbage to open ground. An early cabbage that needs to be used in the summer must be seen early late, which can be in a fresh form to store for a long time.
  • Buying high-quality seeds. The quality of seedlings primarily depends on seeds. You need to buy only good sowing material from proven implementers or manufacturers.
  • Preparation of soil. Crop of cabbage depends on nutritional soil. Preparing it advise from autumn, your primer should be fertile and breathable.
  • Selection of the seed of seed cabbage to open ground. The cabbage of early varieties should be sown until April 15, and the average - until the end of April, late - until May 15.
  • Predset preparation. Before planting seeds of cabbage to open ground, they must be processed. Thanks to this, you can eliminate dangerous diseases of plants.
  • Right sowing. It seems to many that in this matter you can not bother, what is there difficult? If you want to get a good harvest, we advise you to grow cabbage with picking after seedlings grow strong and squat, and its roots will be great.
  • Timely watering cabbage. As you know, cabbage loves not only good weather, but also water. Plants need to be watered as needed, not allowing oveurgement and drying.
  • Feeding. Growing cabbage, do not forget to feed it. Especially young plants in the repent period need nutrients.
  • Prevention of diseases, timely treatment. If you overdo it with watering or not to keep track of the temperature, seedlings can get sick. It is not necessary to hope that the disease will disappear by itself, so your plants will simply disappear. Take action, save your plants from death.

How to grow cabbage in open soil - Preparation of seeds

To improve the stability of future plants, the seeds before planting should be treated with hot water. Fill the cabbage seeds for 15 minutes with water T \u003d 40 degrees, after sending to cold water for a few minutes. After that, the seeds are recommended to hold a couple of hours in a nutritional solution from mineral fertilizers. It is also very important that the seeds hardened, to do this, send them to a day in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator or a basement.

Sowing seed cabbage to open ground

Spring cabbage seeds in open ground is very simple. You need to make a few grooves, a depth of 3-4 cm, with a distance of 20 cm. Before planting the seed, it is important to dry, so they will not be glued to the hands. Lay out the seeds in the grooves one at a distance of one centimeter. After putting off the seeds of the soil and lose it slightly. Shoots with good weather will be visible in 10-15 days. When the plants begin to interfere with each other, become strong and squat, they need to be seeded in the ranks for final ripening.

Cabbage Care in Open Ground

Cabbage loves abundant watering, so she needs to give enough moisture. Water plant in the evenings. If there is a dry and hot weather, then it should be done at least three times a day. On cloudy days you can produce abundant watering every three to four days. Do not forget about the loosening of which combine with hilling. peat bedding will give good results, because it will act as a mulch material, mute weed growth, contribute to the preservation of moisture and give the power plants.

Cabbage, like other plants in the garden, pests do not bypass. The main pests of this culture are scoop and cabbage, often small black flepens attack it. The problem is that the cabbage absorbs various poisons, so folk remedies are used to combat pests.

  • Mix the red burning pepper and mustard powder, pollinate the cochanists with this mixture.
  • Soil processing tincture of Luke husk with its strong smell of cabbage pests. To prepare this miraculous means, take half a kilogram of husk, fill with 4 liters of hot water and insist 2-3 days. Before applying this tool, add a spoonful of the Degtyar Shampoo to it, use every 4 days.
  • Table vinegar - a time-tested and an effective product in the fight against cabbage pests. Plant treatment is to splash the beds with a solution (a glass of vinegar per 10 liters of water), which is better to spend after sunset, so the leaves will not receive burns from the sun's rays.

Now you know how to grow cabbage in the open ground, how to care for it and what factors are to fear. We hope you understand that cabbage requires constant care, and not only at the initial stage of cultivation. Adhering to our advice, you can get a good harvest.

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