What to fertilize roses

What to fertilize roses

Properly fertilized roses are abundant bloom, practically do not hurt and perfectly carry harsh winters. Each real rosewood is developing its original shortcut diagram of perennial beautiful bushes, but they all rely on general plant fertilizer schemes. It is understood that absolutely all denunciation of roses must be carried out in a strictly defined plant development time. It is also worth combining organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic easy to do at home, mineral will have to buy in the store.

How many times to feed roses per season

From the middle lane of the country, the pink season begins from the beginning of April (roses begin to wake up the kidneys) and ends at the end of October (roses' vacation at that time are shortened and bushes are hidden for the winter). In each different region, the duration of this season can be different, but the general principles of rose feeding should be observed strictly. The conditionally pink season can be divided into three main groups: Spring, summer and autumn.

  • Since the beginning of spring, the rose is actively increasing shoots, on which flowers are blooming at the beginning of the middle of June. Roses fertilizers at this time will help you to grow powerful shoots and lay down to large quantities of buds.
  • In the middle of the summer (July month), most roses bloom for some time stopped and the bush rests a bit to gain strength for the second flowering wave. Fertilizers at this time will restore the strength of the flowing bush, they will start the bookmark of new buds and the beginning of the aging of shoots.
  • At the end of the summer - the beginning of the fall during the second wave of flowering flowering colors from roses is not very much. A bush at this time begins to protect the strength to calmly overwhelm under the shelter. In August-September, fertilizer for roses help the qualitative aging of shoots, which will go in the winter.

In these three periods of the life of pink bushes, it is necessary to feather them several times.

What to fertilize roses in the early summer

  1. In early April, when roses bushes are already open and you made them forming trimming, support plants by any nitric fertilizers. You can buy special spring fertilizer for roses and use it by the attached instructions. In addition, urea, agriculture or universal fertilizer "Kemira Spring" will fully fit. Remove the concentration of the solution on the package, but usually it is 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Under each plant, pour from three to five liters of the solution (depending on the magnitude of the bush).
  2. In mid-April, pamper your pets by organic. To do this, take a good rewind and dried chicken, cow or horsepower. Around the bushes to make deep grooves at a distance of 15-20 cm from the neck. In the grooves, lay 100-300 g of fertilizer and sprinkle it.
  3. In early May, if you for some reason missed the feeder in early April, support roses with nitrogen-containing drugs. Read about it in paragraph number 1.
  4. In the middle of May, adopt roses with organic fertilizer from grass. To do this, some grass from the plot collect into the tank and fill it with water. Tank hold 7-10 days in the sun. Before irrigating the roses, dropping brown water from the tank (1 liter) to diverge the usual water (10 liters).
  5. At the beginning of June, once again apply the organic, but already an animal. A month before the feeding, get a dry chicken litter in the barrel (get a "chicken") or dry cow cobs (get a "korovyak"). The resulting infusion before applying is resolved and divert in conventional water at a concentration of 1/15 (infusion / water). Under each bush, pour the same fertilizer as Lily in early April.

What to fertilize roses in the middle of summer

  1. After the first bloom wave, and it ends at about July, supported your roses with any mineral fertilizer with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus. It is best: ammophoska, superphosphate or superphosphate double. They can be divorced in water (1 tablespoon of fertilizer + 10 liters of liquid) or pour it right under the bush, but that the powder does not come into contact with stems and leaves. Powder is better to close in the ground, and under each bush put it no more than a third of a teaspoon. Instead of the fertilizers described, you can use the "Kemira Universal".
  2. 10-12 days after the previous feeding, pour your roses with the infusion of chicken or cow's litter. If you do not have it, use the infusion of grass. Do not forget to dilute with water.

Than fertilize roses in the fall

  1. In mid-August, when roses are still blooming, support them with phosphorus-containing fertilizers. The best "Kemira Autumn" or in the extreme case is "Kemira Universal". Instead, you can purchase other similar compositions in the store, but necessarily with the predominance of phosphorus. All fertilizers divide strictly according to the instructions.
  2. In early September, when the roses are no longer abundantly, paint them with fertilizers with such minerals: potassium and magnesium. It is they who will help the shoots to become strong and not to extinate harsh winter. Well suited to all well-known and fairly common "potassium-magnesia". It is better not to lay out under the bushes, but dive strictly according to the attached instructions.

Than fertilize roses throughout the season

Many roseworks are parallel with root feeders and use the so-called extraxanlety feeders (they are also called "on the sheet"). It is believed that spraying of roses with useful solutions has a faster jerking effect than if this fertilizer is absorbed by roots.

For extractive feeding, use the same fertilizers as cooking for watering bushes. Dissate them with water according to the instructions, but take a third more fluid. The same applies to the influence of a cowboat or chicken litter, as well as to the grasses. Extra-root feeders do in those times as root, but be sure to learn the weather forecast. When the rose is approaching the rain, do not spray - the rain is all the useful substances from the leaves.

Basic Roses Fertilizer Rules

  • Must alternate mineral and organic feeding.
  • Roses fertilize and after abundant irrigation or rain.
  • The first spring feeding of roses do only after the formative trimming of the bush.

The scheme of roses, described in this article, is quite time consuming, but at the same time very effective and rather budget. You can buy the described mineral fertilizers in any garden shop and they are completely inexpensive. Organic fertilizers to make any gardener independently. If you are not ready to insist herbs, make a cowboy or smoking and stock up with different mineral fertilizers, then buy special complex fertilizers for roses in the store.

Please note that the feedingings were three types: for spring, for summer and for autumn. If you do not find such, then use any universal fertilizer for roses. Each manufacturer of such universal recommends the deadlines of the feeding, which is written on a pack with a fertilizer for roses.


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