How to plant watermelons on seedlings

How to plant watermelons on seedlings

Watermelon in the hot season is a real salvation, cool, tasty and so juicy. Some gardeners believe that watermelons can be grown only in certain regions of the country, and it will not work out on ordinary sites. In fact, grow watermelons is not as difficult as it may seem. The main thing is to know how to grow them that for this you need to do and know.

Process nuances

If you live in the southern regions, then you can be confident that you will grow watermelons on your site exactly. In this matter, the main thing is to know when to plant seedlings and how to grow high-quality material for planting from seeds, in this today we will be in detail and we will deal with you. For information - When spring will already specifically enter their rights, and the air will be more than 20 degrees, the seeds will fit perfectly in the open soil, you can even not worry for it.

In the event that you live in the average latitudes of our state, then to grow watermelons you will have to plant high-quality seedlings in open soil, because if you sow seeds, they simply do not have time to grow to the end of the warm season, so let's talk about How to sow seeds in a greenhouse and grow a strong seedlings for landing into an open ground.

Rasting seedlings

In order to grow high-quality seedlings, it is necessary to organize good greenhouse conditions, so have it in mind. All you need to do is:

  • Seying seeds in the greenhouse must be necessary for a month and a half (approximately) before landing seedlings in open ground. Most often, gardeners begin to grow by cultivation of seedlings in March.
  • If you do not have a greenhouse, do not worry, in the apartment or a private house, too, it is also easy to grow seedlings for landing - take a cup of plastic and put several seeds of the watermelon, after completing the glass of the earth. The depth of planting seed is 4 cm.
  • Also for such purposes can also be used clay pots and other containers of small volume.
  • The next step - planted seeds in obligatory should be covered with cellophane or film. It is done because, inside the "mini-greenhouse" the temperature should be saved within 19-23 0.
  • As soon as you see that sprouts began to break through and appeared above the surface of the soil, the film will immediately need to remove.
  • When you freed the seeds from the film. In mandatory, it will be necessary to put all the cups or other tanks with sprouts to the illuminated place (the temperature should be at least 20 degrees).
  • In the heat, they should not contain sprouts either, because they simply become covered, and in the cold they can also die, so in the room where they develop temperatures, should not fall below 17 degrees.
  • Every gardener who decided to raise seedlings at home should remember that sprouts, like any other plants, need regular irrigation. It must be remembered that watering in this case should be renewed exclusively under the root. Do not forget that water for watering sprouts should not be cold.
  • After ten days, after the sprout got out of the ground, seedlings needed fade. Often, specialists are used for such purposes a solution of a cowboy.
  • After fertilizer, you will immediately need to pour our seedlings.
  • You need to understand that the seedlings will soon be planted in an open ground, so it will be necessary to tempt a little seedlings. Periodically, making it on the balcony or on the loggia, so that the sprouts are accustomed to lower temperatures.
  • Once on the sprouts you will see four sheets (they must be full), it means that it's time to seed out to plant an open land.

It is not necessary to forget that it is not necessary to land the seedlings you have grown in the ground only if the ambient temperature is consistently not lower than 16 degrees of heat.

Choosing a place landing

Immediately, I would like to note that it is also necessary to plant watermelons too and you need to start a search and choosing a place to disemboditate. There are several requirements that you have to fit the seeding seedlings of watermelons by you:

  • it should be the southern side
  • the soil must be well fertilized (saturated useful components)
  • the optimal option is to switch the bed in the autumn period and add compost to it.
  • before the direct seedlings. The soil must be focused by mineral components
  • the distance between the seedling rows should be at least a pair of meters (because the culture refers to the curly and "spread" on the ground).

No need to plant watermelons too close to each other, because this culture loves the worst, and excessive delicate can adversely affect the abundance and harvest.

It is also necessary to remember that watermelon does not tolerate root damage, which is why the seedlings are better grown in the container, which is filled with peat fertilizer, and from the same land put seedlings into open ground.

In the wells that you prepared for planting seedlings, it is necessary to fill with a compartment, humus and ash. After you plant the seedlings, it is better to cover it for a couple of days with a protective material, and then remove the film and let the seedlings develop in completely natural and natural conditions.

It's not difficult to grow seedlings in greenhouse conditions, so read the article carefully and will bring everything important from it, remember and forward - grow watermelons on your site.

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