How to pee seedlings

How to pee seedlings

Picking (transplantation) of seedlings causes a lot of disputes among gardeners - some believe that it is vital for better development of plants, others that it is on the contrary inhibits the growth of seedlings. Both those and other are right, but in the case of different plants.

You can only dive the seedlings in which the root system is formed in the future (strongly branched) root system - tomatoes and peppers, asters and velvets. But plants with a rod root (eggplant, poppies, Malva, Aquillegia) it is better to sow individually - one seed into a separate pot.

Tomatoes are seized first into one large box, and after the appearance of two or three real leaves are divert. You need to prepare such a number of peat cups, how many tomato bushes are you planning to put on the plot.

Two hours before the recilation of the Earth in the general drawer with a sediment is well with warm water. So far, the earth in the drawer flies, fill in all peat cups with an earthy mixture suitable for each particular plant (vegetables or colors). The mixture is needed to be well tumped and make a deepening finger in the ground.

After two hours, each plant from the total box must be removed, pushing it or a special spatula for seedlings, or a teaspoon handle, or even a wand for sushi.

Carefully drove a seedling from the total box, with his left hand, maintain a plant under the earthen com, which remained on the roots. With the fingers of the right hand at this time, you can expand the smell in a pot to the size of the earth lump. Next, insert a seedling into this hole and see the land around it. At the same time, the experienced gardeners advise tomatoes to plunge into the ground until the seedy leaves, in the peppers plant the same depth as they grew in the overall drawer.

During the dive, you can adjust the very top of the young plant - this can be further reduced to the branch of the bush.

Immediately after picking, the seedlings need to pour and put a couple of days into a bright place, but where there will be no direct sunlight. If seedling is very small (petunia, celery, cilantro, basil), instead of watering it is worth sprinkling with water from a small pulvelizer, and the pots themselves put into the pallet with water.

Picking allows you to choose the strongest plants from you climbed in the overall drawer. Also, the plant will develop the root system well, because it will not interfere with the roots of the neighbors. And also picking in peat cups in the future will facilitate the landing of seedlings into open ground - it can be planted directly with cups, which then splamen in the ground and turn into fertilizer. Strike you seedlings and good harvest!

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