Spring will come very soon, which means that you need to do your flower beds so that they bloom and fell to you on joy. Let's figure it out in detail how to properly plant such wonderful flowers as lily and find out whether the planting of lilies with sprouts differs from the landing process without them.
Process nuances
Immediately it should be noted that relatively recently lilies began to plant in the spring, because before, their landing was made in autumn. If we talk about the usual cycle of this flower, it is more logical to plant it in the autumn period, but if we consider the thermal-loving varieties, then it is more correct to plant in spring.
There is another reason why the lilies are planted in the spring today, the fact is that it is more profitable to acquire tubers in winter in winter than in the autumn period. Do not forget that in the spring you can buy lily tubers on the sale, which are arranged for the sale of the remaining tubers from the autumn.
Before buying a lily bulb, it is necessary to carry out a thorough visual inspection of its visual inspection, it should not be:
- Of different kinds of deformations
- Cracked
- Other damage
- Pain
After you have looked at the goods well, you buy it and immediately after that it will be necessary to process them in mandatory. The optimal option will be treated with antifungal type preparations, as well as slightly add them so that they are not excessively wet.
Store bulbs also need to be able to. There are certain rules that need to be observed to those who decide a long period of time to keep the tubers at home:
- In a cool place, the best option is the cellar or refrigerator, if you live in high-rise buildings
- It is impossible to simply put them on the shelf in the refrigerator, it is necessary to pre-take a cellophane package, fill it with peat. The moss or coconut fiber, put the bulbs there, tie a package and make several holes so that the air penetrates inside the "homemade greenhouse". Air circulation is very important.
- Do not forget that the bulbs need to be laid the bottom in the prepared "platform", because it happens that the sprout begins to break through during the injury, and if the bulb turns out to be inverted, then the probability of the deformation of the sprout is large enough.
- It is better not to store lilies next to the fruit, because the fruit is distinguished by a substance that adversely affects Lilies and may even destroy them (such a component as ethylene).
- If you keep lilies at home for a long time, then you should not forget once a couple of weeks the material in which there are bulbs, slightly moisturize.
- Do not forget to check the bulbs periodically - so that they do not deteriorate, not picked up "rot".
- In the event that you found that at least one of the bulbs appeared sprout, it needs to be planted. The fact is that the process of developing a sprout is no longer in any way, but if you do not land in open soil Lily, this sprout will simply exist on the bulb and she will perish.
- If the street is too cold, and Lilies released sprouts, then you can land them at home, in a regular pot.
- An excellent option will be - land the bulb with a sprout into a plastic bottle, pre-cropped. Thus, you can easily observe what happens with the sprouts of the bulbs, how they develop, etc.
If you decide to land in a pot of Lily with Spriver, then the optimal option:
- In the pot for the beginning, pour a low layer of land
- After that, on top of the sand (preferably small, river) - soybean thickness is similar to the first.
- Before planting a bulb, it is necessary to disinfect it. This process is carried out approximately half an hour, that is, this time the bulb needs to hold in a disinfectant.
Landing in open ground
Once on the street there will be really warm and temperature indicators will not "jump" that up, then down - this is the time to plant lilies in open ground. To say the exact period. When it is necessary to make landing lilies, it is impossible, because it all depends on the region and the state of the soil, it should warm well.
If there are already sprouts on the club, then it is necessary to plant it for a week later than those where they are not yet.
Since the types of lilies are different, then the places where they are planted, will also be different. One type of lilies does not tolerate the shadow, which means that the optimal version is to plant them right in the sun, where there are no bushes and trees. There are such species that do not tolerate direct sunlight, then they need to plant them where the shadow is constantly.
Despite the type of lilies, they need to be planted in non-wind places, because this kind of plant does not like any drafts.
To plant lilies with already sprouts needed in high-quality land - light, which contains sand, fertile.
Sale lilies in the ground:
- First you need to dwell the earth. Bare and sweep it. It is necessary to do this in such a way that the drooping ground is centimeters to 40.
- If you put big bulbs, then the hole you will need to dig for it should be at least 20 cm. If there are very small bulbs for planting, then 15 centimeters will be enough.
- On the bottom of the dug hole to begin with, you must lay out a small layer of broken (finely broken) brick.
If you plan the tubers in a non-fermented soil, then it is better to mix the ground with a humus or manure, thereby enriching it with useful components for better growth of lilies.