Who has a bows in the garden or land plot? Probably, this question can be called rhetorical. Luk-Sevork is considered the most common culture on land. Among other things, such a bow gives a good harvest and on the windowsill in the cold season. The reason for such popularity is that this bow takes on very well. Let's talk about how to close the bow of the north.
Onions of the north and its features
It is worth noting that the above-mentioned grade of the bow is a very useful plant, it is useful to prevent infectious diseases. Immediately I would like to say that inserting the seeds of the culture under consideration. You can get your crop only the next year. If you saw any photos of big onion heads Sevka or on sale on the market, know, this is already a two-year adult plant.
If you are ready to wait a whole year to get an excellent bows harvest, it means you should do the landing of Luka Sevka. The cultivation temperature of this culture is also its feature. The fact is that the bow of the north quietly refers to the spring temperature. Even when frosts occur and able to get out of the soil even at temperature indicators in 1 0 below zero. As for adult plants, their frost resistance is even higher, because they are able to withstand the temperature of 5 degrees of frost. The ideal temperature for these plants is 13-25 degrees of heat.
Preparatory work
Before boarding, it is necessary to make some preparatory work:
- The first thing you need to do is decide on the landing site. We note immediately that the plant under consideration loves the light, and therefore the landing site should be chosen in such a way that the bow always has been in the sun. Neither in lowlands, nor around the angle to plant it. It is also worth knowing that for landing of the onions in question, excessively acidic soils will not be suitable, be sure you will not get a good harvest in this case 100%.
- Do not forget that every few years the place of landing such a bows will have to be changed, otherwise the yield will be lost, have it in mind. The pests are not very fond of the neighborhood of Luke and Carrot, so it is the carrot that you must land near Luka, so that the one and the other ultra did not suffer from them.
- The next stage after selecting the place is the preparation of the soil. In the autumn period, it is obligatory to step up the land, and it is quite deep enough, to split all the available lumps of the land to roll in rakes, while not forgetting that all weeds that will be located on the territory of the future landing should be carefully chosen along with their roots. Do not forget to also enjoy your handy mixtures.
Landing time and process itself
You have a choice, you can land on Luke Sevka or de in the spring or in the autumn period. If you want to get a really rich harvest and you have enough land in possession, then try to put it twice, in two different seasons.
Before planting the seeds under consideration in the soil, it is first worth the top of the onion Sevka (what is dry) gently cut off. Such a procedure is mandatory, because it is precisely it prevents a seedling and reduces the likelihood of any disease.
If you decide to plant the onions in the spring, then you should familiarize yourself with the stages of the process under consideration:
- As soon as the Earth warmed up well by the sun, you need to put seedlings into the ground. To begin with, the bulbs are small, the length of which is very small. Not more than 1CM, after which, after 14 days, you can already plant larger bulbs. Do not put large bulbs too early, because they will quickly go into the arrows, and after that, there is no good harvest.
- An additional recommendation before planting is the possibility of treating bulb energy. To increase the likelihood of a good harvest (some gardeners are soaked on the bulbs in mangartee).
- Landing in the fall is as follows:
- In the period under review, it is best to grow very small onions, this is the optimal season for their intensive development. The period of landing of the onion of Sevkov in the autumn period - in a couple of weeks to the first small frosts. It is this period that is considered optimal, because in the winter he will not be able to freeze, but in the spring period will not leave the arrows.
- Planting the bulbs stands at a distance of at least 20 cm. This distance is considered ideal, and, both for the germination of the seedlings themselves and for the passage between them. The landing depth does not have to be too big in order not to prevent its germination. The optimal depth of 3 cm, but if you put too finely, then dry the upper layer can lead to the death of the sprout.
- It is not necessary to make a bow for planting the culture under consideration, it will be enough to stick a seedling shallow into the ground and enhance the earth. After that, do not forget about the powder of his loose ground without lumps. It is done to protect the lucker and the possibility of normal ventilation (so that the air flows to the root of the bulbs). No need to plant the bow of the navod too early, but also a fence with the landing can negatively affect the development of Luke.
It is not difficult to plant onions, especially if you have familiarized with the above information. The main thing to comply with all the rules and recommendations, and then no problems will arise.