Today, those who own at least a land plot, in any case such culture will be planted as a bow. If in the spring to plant this culture can almost all - this is, to say the classics, then about the landing of Louka in the late autumn is a completely different question, and not everyone has such knowledge. Let's understand today in this matter today.
Some nuances
I would like to start with the fact that the indicators of the frost resistance of such a culture like onions, much lower than the garlic and it is this factor, first of all, it is necessary to consider when it is autumn landing.
In order for Luk-Sevon to be able to withstand the temperature fluctuations in the spring (and as you know, they are quite sharp), when landing, it becomes simply necessary to use such protective equipment as humid, sawdust or manure:
- If you decide to use the manure to increase the frost-resistant onion, then you should not choose fresh, because for the purposes under consideration it is ideal for a semi-earnish.
- In the event that the choice fell on the backup of the culture with sawdust, then it is worth considering the height of the protective layer. In this case, this indicator should be at least 9-11 cm.
Using one of the above protective layers, it is also worth not to forget that they are thawing after convergence of snow and ice. Long enough, therefore, in the first months of spring, (maximum in April), it is worth pulling the film over the bow. The outlined layer (mulch) should be removed neatly robbles.
Another nuance - in case under the winter you decide to plant a mud (culture of a fairly small fraction, the diameter of which, does not exceed one and a half centimeters), the growing plant from it does not have to be smoothed. When complying with all the above recommendations, you will get an excellent harvest from Luka-Sevka, the heads will be large, elastic and as it should be caused. At the same time, you will receive it for a half months earlier landing of a similar bow in the spring, so this factor should be borne in mind if you are able to plant such onions in the winter or not.
Preparing the soil
Before proceeding directly to the landing of the onions in question, you need to pay attention to its correct choice, because as a mandatory variety should be frost-resistant, in order for the seeds in the spring, the seeds began to actively grow, and at the same time, frosts could not affect him .
In addition, in the main characteristics of the variety you choose, the following criteria should be - the maximum germination rate and large, strong fruit. In this case, the preference is preferred by local grades (which give an excellent harvest from year to year in your area). Experts are also recommended to give preference to sufficiently sharp varieties.
If you wanted to choose some of the southern varieties, it is not worth doing this because of the high probability of freezing of such a bow in the winter.
Now we can proceed to the consideration of the methods of preparing the soil for landing in the winter:
- After the entire harvest is removed from the plantation. The soil costs to disinfect well. This is not just a recommendation, but the necessary process to obtain the spring of a good breeze. An excellent means for this will perform a copper cunery (for those who do not know, to breed such an "poison" is necessary in the proportion of 2 teaspoons per declined bucket of ordinary water).
- The solution with the resulting solution should be carefully treated with a land plot on which the bow will be planted.
- The next step in the preparation of the soil should be the process of fertilizer, and even more precisely, the addition to the soil of superphosphate, peat, humor, etc. The soil, together with the fertilizer was filled into it, it will be necessary to overheat.
- The use of ammonia silitra is welcome, due to its effective positive impact on the growth and ripening of the bow. Experts consider this excellent material for the "construction" of the culture under consideration.
Ludu landing
Choose a plot for landing in the winter needs carefully. It should be a high-grade site, which in spring does not flood, in the event of a flood. The beds must be prepared in such a way that their height is 17 cm, but the width is at least 1m.
It is worth noting that Luke landing should be carried out at the end of autumn, but not later than the last 10 days of October. This is a prerequisite, because, only landing during this period will ensure the rooting of seeds before the onset of serious cold weather, but at the same time they will not have time to climb. Otherwise:
- if you do it before, for example, in September - the bulbs will germinate to frost and low temperature will destroy the fruits
- if you put onions at the end of November - the seeds are not rooted and because of the offensive of frosts simply will not be able to get out and germinate
Singing small bulbs is necessary at a distance, approximately 4-5 cm from each other. It is impossible to put them in the ground, it is necessary to put the lower part, a little pressing on them from above, "introduce" to the ground.
Do not forget that between the beds it is also necessary to observe a certain distance that should not exceed 17-22 cm, insert the bulbs at the same time, you need 5 cm deep into the earth.
As soon as in the spring, the growth of the culture under consideration will appear on the beds. They should be filtered by Selitra, and then care for onions you need, as behind the varieties planted in the spring.