How to care for lilies?

How to care for lilies?

Some amateur gardeners consider the cultivation of lilies with a rather time-consuming occupation, so these beautiful flowers do not harde on the flower beds. But it turns out that lilies are rather unpretentious and even a beginner dachnik can grow them. Care for lilies does not represent much difficulty, so feel free to plant these beauties on your summer cottages.

Caring for lilies during the purchase of bulbs

Buying bulbs in early spring, make sure that they are large, juicy, without visible damage and young sprouts.

  • Wrap the bulbs in paper and place them in a bin for vegetables, which is located on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • If the boarding material you bought in a perforated polyethylene package, then put it in the refrigerator without removing the original packaging.
  • Periodically examine the bulbs and if you see the winding, remove them.
  • If some bulbs in the package tried in growth, then care the package at the site of the appearance of a young sprout. This manipulation will not allow the sprocket in the packaging and it will be smooth.

Bulbs, bought or dug off from their bed in the fall, dry well. Then keep them in a dark ventilated room until the landing in the soil.

Caring for lilies in spring or autumn during their landing in the ground

Spring lilies are planted in the ground at the end of April, in the fall - in mid-October.

  • Before planting lilies on the flower, hold the bulbs in the Fundazola solution. Make it with a fortress of 0.2% and immerse the planting material in it for 20 minutes. Next, process the bulbs with a solution of epine or any other growth stimulator. Epin is diverted as indicated on the packaging means and sprinkle the bulbs from the sprayer.
  • Long roots at the bulbs doit up to 3-5 cm. If there are very dry non-residential scales, remove them.
  • For each bulb, dig a separate hole with a depth of 25-30 cm. Place a five-point layer of fine gravel on the bottom, which pumped up the same layer of fertile land.
  • At the bottom of the wells, make a small hollyk and put on it a bulb. The roots gently straighten the hormick.
  • Fall off the bulb of the earth to the line with the main soil and lose weight slightly.
  • On the perimeter of the planted bulb, retreating a pair of centimeters, make a small shovel with a cutlets. In a circle (around the bulb), pour a teaspoon of any universal complex granular fertilizer for bulbous plants. Put the earth.
  • Near the places of planting bulbs, set special signs with a variety of lilies.
  • Do not water the bulbs during their sealing to the ground. In the spring, they are enough moisture from the ground after melting of the snow, and in the fall - rain will help them.

Care of lilies in spring and summer during their growth

Lilies, if you plant them in the fall, bloom the next spring. Some spring landings can be pleased with the flowers in summer, but the next spring they will bloom absolutely everything.

  • In the spring, as soon as sprouts appear from the ground, adopt their lilies with a special spring fertilizer for bulbous. Make it strictly according to the instructions and only once. Spring fertilizer is rich in nitrogen and will help lilies to grow powerful stems and large buds.
  • Make the second feeding lilies in the fall, for this use any autumn fertilizer without nitrogen. It will help on the bulbs more to mature and well survive the wintering in the ground.
  • Never feed lily by organica (manure, humus, infusion). These fertilizers for bulbous are not suitable - they contribute to the emergence of mushroom diseases.
  • From a variety of pests that can eat leaves and flowers, handle the lilies of ordinary wood ash. Take it in a handful and just sprinkle plants from above the leaves and buds.
  • Some varieties of lilies are strongly susceptible to rust, which can be distributed to other plants. If there is such a problem, then three times for the season handle all the flower beds with lilies of Bordeaux liquid. It is to dissolve to a concentration of 1%.

Care of lilies in summer during their flowering

Flowering lilies can last a month, and sometimes - and more.

  • Care at this time is only in regular, but very gentle watering. The land around the lilies can not be turned into a swamp - from the convergence of tubers in the ground can start to start. So that the land around the bushes was a longer wet, you can climb it with beveled grass or woody crust.
  • If you want to cut a few lilies for a bouquet, then choose the highest blooms. Sut them in such a way as to the earth remains as much as possible stem with leaves. Long stem is needed so that the bulbs receive additional food from it for its ripening.
  • Slicing lilies for a bouquet, stem cut stems to make a stem, so that there is no moisture from the rain on it.
  • Fully swelling lilies slightly shortened the stem. It is necessary so that the boxes that have arisen on the place of flowers have not drawn the plants for themselves.
  • After the lilies are swinging, watering them at all.

Caring for lilies in the fall after their efforts

Autumn lily require minimal care.

  • When the stalks of the lilies are already stileging and filing, cutting them at a distance of 8-10 cm from the ground. This will most likely happen in late September - the beginning or mid-October.
  • Places where the summer bloomed lilies, cover with dry leaves or beveled and dried. In order for the autumn winds, it is a warm shelter, put a few branches on top of the foliage that in advance in the spring trimming of trees.

Lilies in one place can grow 5-6 years. After that, they can dig in the late summer, and in October, put on another flower bed. But this applies in ordinary lilies that grow in almost every garden today. Asian lilies, which are only included (they have a huge height of the flower paints and giant flowers of exotic colors), require transplants to a new place every two years. All lilies love fertile soil and solar quiet places.

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