Transplant irises - an important step in caring for them. This simple at first glance procedure has its own nuances, without which the plant can easily destroy. To avoid this and to avoid damaging the delicate flower should carefully study all the features of this plant transplantation.
The reason for transplant
- Many plants need a transplant only at the stage when they are no longer placed in a pot, but with iris is much more complicated. Their root system is capable of once a year to build another root element. Its length is 10 cm., And they are usually arranged in a circle.
- If for many years not to transplant irises, they form a circle of links with ground hollow in the middle, his. The growth of links on this will not stop dying roots remain in the ground, and new and will continue to grow. As a result, the root system will grow so that it would begin to bulge, and the plants themselves will suffer from a lack of space. They are less likely to bloom and get sick more often.
- It is to avoid this and they are transplanted every 4 years. The survival rate of these plants is so strong that they can live together in new places.
Time and place
After the first landing must pass at least 4 years before they can sit down. Experienced growers seated irises 14 days after bloom their flowers. The best time of seating called in July, as the plants are in "hibernation" because of the heat.
- Despite this most irises are seated in the fall because it is autumn time allows at the same time a lot of transplanted plants. Autumn transplant irises begins in late August and lasts until the second week of September.
- If the climate is warm and not prone to sudden frost autumn planting dates are shifted by a month.
When choosing a place recommended to choose the places where the darker and a lot of moisture. By soil from irises few requirements, but still they are - plants prefer acidification and quite heavy soil. - Experienced gardeners ahead of time preparing for transplanting plants. The training includes a preform place, and begin to cook it at least 14 days prior to the transplant. Earth to dig up the site selected for the transplant, plunging a bayonet spade in the ground before digging the soil, fertilize cherenka.Posle, if there is such a need. In most cases it makes the mixture of peat and sand in equal parts, but if the soil is too acidified, then dispense lime.
The process of separation and transplantation
Transplant heavily overgrown irises pre-prepared tools, selecting them in advance. Gardeners need:
- pruner
- Gardening fork
- Knife
During the year, iris roots reach up to 15 cm. So dig them very carefully, trying not to damage them. Despite the rather fragile roots of all his apparent power minor damage is inevitable. When their excavation observe a sequence of actions.
- Choose a bush with an abundance of leaves and branched roots. His dig garden fork, being careful not to hurt the roots, and then rinse under water. When the softened earth will disappear from the roots of their visiting. Those in which deviations are visible - the illness or death of severe damage, - eliminate with a knife.
- After this comes a point dividing the rhizomes. For this knife keenly sharpened and sterilized. The roots are cut so that each pair had delenki annual growths and fan pages. Healthy rhizomes roots pruned to 6 cm. Thereafter, the sheet is formed form a fan-shaped shears. They are cut at an angle, leaving only one-third from the previous length. leaf length should not exceed 20 cm. This is necessary to keep the wind from tearing the land still neukorenivshiesya plants.
- For the roots are bred weak solution of potassium permanganate and fresh cut delenki dipped back down to the leaves. This will help to protect the roots from bacteria, and subsequent drying in the sun will help prevent decay.
- For lush bush instead of the standard compound used delenki pair or three bases. This bush quickly take root and blossom with the onset of the next spring. Before landing in the harvested wells fill up a pinch nitrophosphate.
- Shallow wells themselves are typically at their bottom dressing poured over a mound of earth, in which a root of the iris. At the same time leaves sent to the south to the wind, they were met by an edge. Thereafter delenki covered with earth, and moistened with lukewarm water.
- Further watering depends on the weather. In hot weather, when the ground dries out, the young plants watered no more than 2 times in 7 days, and on the bush takes about 5 liters. water.
Transplant irises simple activity that will afford even the novice gardener. Due to the fact that transplantation of these plants should be done every 5 years to prepare for this event is quite simple.