How to dry Luk

How to dry Luk

In the autumn garden is cleaned, and the vegetables are sent to storage. To harvest to please you all year round, it is necessary to know how to properly dry the onions, so it is well preserved. We offer several options.

Drying room

After you dig the onions, leave it to dry in the garden. Then move in a well-ventilated area, leave it for five days. Go through the vegetable, leaving the strongest instances intact. Depending on the further storage can trim or maintain dry leaves.

The grids

For storage in the mesh sheet for onions are cut leave protruding part 4 cm. Lay the bulbs in a single layer in a grid, can also use the mesh boxes (not forget to periodically stir the onions in boxes). Grids desirable to lift some distance from the ground. Store onions in a dry place with good ventilation.

The spits

In order to weave into a braid onion, do not braid too massive. For the strength can add braided rope. Not Weave bulb tightly to vegetables well-ventilated. Pigtail should be in a suspended position.

Remember, onions after planting matures three to four months. Store it in the dry weather and keep the integrity of the roots, then the vegetable will not spoil quickly.

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