How to store carrots in winter

How to store carrots in winter

If you are a dacket, and all the spring and summer worked in the sweat of the face, in the fall to collect a harvest, then the questions of its storage are for you the most pressing. Yes, and everyone else is useful to know how to keep carrots until the next season, so as not to buy in winter in stores of low-quality goods at overpriced prices.

Proper harvest is a key to success. Abundantly water the carrots before cleaning, in a couple of days it is good to spend the garden, and the carrots are cut down to 5 centimeters. So she will lose less moisture and will retain a juiciness. Drop or pull the carrots out of the ground, spread somewhere in the barn, pantry or another dry-ventilated place of the canvas, put carrots on it and let her dry a couple of days. Wash carrots before storage can not be, so choose a dry day to collect harvest so that the carrots do not go under the rain.


Only the best carrot is suitable for storage, without damage caused by mechanical or pests. Therefore, a careful selection of carrots to be stored should be carried out. Damaged and pushing root crust and use it in food right now. They are not subject to long-term storage, they will only spoil you the rest of the crop.


The easiest way to store carrots, which used our grandmothers, is the preservation of carrots directly on the garden. Carrots are cut off the tops, digging, dried, and then fold into bags and bury on the garden, to a depth of 30-40 cm, covering something from the rain. This method is simple, but not always suits, because it will have to dig a bag every time to get another portion of carrots, and not everyone lives at the cottage.


According to another method, the carrots are packaged - better portion on plastic packages, and remove to store in an underground or other room with sufficiently high humidity and temperatures about 0s °. This method is not too good because the roots are stored without air access, and therefore can be spoiled. But you can improve the way by making holes in the package, and removing it in a sandbox.

Package with perforation

The following method is also associated with the presence of sand - the carrot layerly stacked in wooden boxes and shielded with sand before filling. Also possible storage option where sand is replaced with dry sawdust or newspapers.

Box with sand

Of course, you can store carrots and in the refrigerator, having previously packed in the food film. But in a vegetable compartment, the place is limited, and, and, for sure, there are other vegetables there, so this method is suitable for conserving only a small amount of carrots.


Without having cottages, you can also save carrots for the whole winter. With the presence of a warmed loggia, you can use all the advice. Do not forget that its grade is also affected by the safety of carrots: it is better to store those roots, the form of which is rounded, and not elongated, pay attention to this when choosing varieties for landing or purchase.

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