Pre-purchased seedlings need to be preserved to the spring landing, often it is cuttings grapes and annual, two-year-old fruit trees or berry shrubs.
Saplings of fruit and fruit crops can be stored in 7 pieces, and decorative and berry - up to 50 units. They are placed in polyethylene bags (garbage bags) and sprinkle the root system with wet sawdust or sand, the bags with roots are tied and stored in the basement. This concerns basically winter storage.
Saplings should have a root to 11-12 cm, you need to cut superfluous, the risk of vines is equal to 5-6 peels. It is necessary to soak up to 2 days in water, then processed the foundazole, fungicide or chinose to avoid fungal diseases. Temperature regime in the dark room should be + 2-0 degrees Celsius.
If you are going to store seedlings on the floor, then a layer of wet sand is poured up to 10 cm to it, we are placed on top of the seedlings so that the lower part of the trunk and the roots are sprinkled with sand up to 10 cm, the main root should be completely covered. They can be covered with a film to avoid drying. Periodically check the sand condition, it should not be dry or wet, you need to maintain the average humidity.
If in the basement the increased humidity of the air, then before storing the seedlings need to be treated with copper vitrios, otherwise the fungus may appear on the plant.
Dachnikov, which no basement, can store seedlings directly in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, pre-wrapped the roots into paper or wet fabric and placing in the plastic bag. During storage, try to ventilate the plant so that the mold is not formed. If the mold still appeared, treat the affected place by manganese solution and place again in the refrigerator.
You can also save seedlings in pits or trenches, it concerns those who have many seedlings, about hundreds. The deepening should reach up to 70-80 cm, so cultivated plants will not be promoted. Mandatory on the bottom of the trench, pour down the moisturized sand 12-15 cm. Saplings in this case should be put at an angle, covered with sand up to 20 cm. The remaining branches, vines or trunk cover the soil layer, otherwise they can freeze. Blank the planting material with appliant means, in order not to flow there raine or thawed water.
Saplings are well saved if they are not damaged. Be sure to pay attention to the roots during the purchase of seedlings, they should not be cut.