Such a culture like the onion grows almost on every land and the preservation site, so there are few of those farmers who do not grow it. Not only that everyone who wants to get a good, rich Luka harvest should know the rules of its landing and fertilizer, care, also need to know how correctly after cleaning the bow to be kept for a long time.
Vintage Luka.
You should not neglect the rules of the onion drying, because it can lead to negative consequences, namely, all of your crop will not be stored a month, so the best option is to get acquainted with the methods of correct drying of this culture.
First you need to figure out when it is best to clean the bow from the garden. It is also necessary to comply with some recommendations on this:
- Two weeks before harvest, the garden must stop moisturizing the soil under the bow. That is, no irrigation of these last two weeks should be.
- If you have such an opportunity, then all this period, try every night to stream the bed of beds with a bow so that it is not covered in the morning of the dew (as often it happens in the month of August or in September).
- Experienced gardeners believe that the optimal period for collecting Luca is the end of the second month of summer or in early August. This indicator directly depends on the time of landing, weather conditions and, of course, the type of culture.
If you have grown culture from Sevka, then the harvest is needed to spend a little earlier than the cleaning of other varieties. Among other things, the level of the maturity of the bow can also be determined without any problems by its appearance:
- If green feathers become yellow and dry up - it means, the bow is ready for digging
- If the feathers of Luke began to steamed by the soil - it's time to make a crop
- There is still a very important aspect and so to speak, the rule - you don't need to try to collect onions manually, it is best to dig up with forks or a shovel. So this factor should be borne in mind, but also with garden appliances need to be careful:
- Before digging the bulb, you need to put a shovel or forks in several centimeters from the most repeated part, because if you dig onions so that the shovel will stand close to the head, there is a high probability to injure it (you need to understand that such a bow long It will not be stored).
- Do not pull out the bulbs with your hands, because the likelihood of damage to the diagram is increasing, and such a bow will not be stored for a long time. To collect the crop onion, you also need to choose the right day - the optimal option is a warm day when the sun shines and there is no wind and precipitation.
- If so happened and the earth during the harvest is wet, after you dig the bulbs you need to remove the dirt with them (it is necessary to do it carefully, to beat the heads about each other is strictly forbidden, because it will cause damage).
Drying Luca
There are rules that need to be observed to every gardener who wants its crop of Luke for a long time stored:
- Lay out dug bulbs need to be mandatory in one layer
- to each bulb lay separately from all other
- the optimal option is that the lows are especially touching each other.
- You can dry onions in the fresh air (you can do this if the weather is good)
- If you collected a harvest in the rain period, then it is better to dry onions in a warm, but well-ventilated room (so that there is no stuffy)
- It should be understood that the high-quality drying of the bow is the key to long-term storage, so you need to understand and know all these rules. It is also worth remembering that the Chernushka Storage Rules are a little different from the similar rules for storing the bouquet.
- Sevops are cleaned with beds and leave for all winter until the next spring. Do this in order for the next season to land it in bed. Such a bow was dried for a very long, not less than three weeks, and this is at least:
- The first 7 days of such a bow should be dried under the sun (if there is such an opportunity)
- Do not forget that such a bow periodically, in any case, you need to mix.
- If the weather conditions are not very good, then you need to lay out segues on a thin fabric in a well-ventilated room.
- As soon as you notice that scales from the bulbs began to move, then it's time to collect onions in the container for long-lasting further storage.
- Before removing the bow in the tank, do not forget to believe the entire harvest. Remove damaged bulbs and too small. It should be understood that the planting material in size should be at least 2.5 cm.
- If you do not have special containers for storing onions, then you have these firs can take a regular box of cardboard, the main thing is that it is durable enough and dry.
- Do not forget to also pay attention to the head of the heads. If some of them will be soft - it will be stored for a long time, it will not be definitely, and therefore it is necessary to dispose of it or immediately utilize or put into consumption (use in the near future until it disappears at all).
- If the onions will germinate during long-term storage, it is not very good, but the Sporth needs to be given the opportunity to raise. To do this, it is necessary to provide indoors where it will be stored, the temperature regime is within 16-18 degrees of heat.
You can also store seeds and in a cold room or even in the refrigerator, depending on which method for this you will choose. Just before you leave the seeds in a cold place for a long time. It is necessary to warm it for 14 days, and after you get it in the spring from a cold place, it will also have to warm it well in front of the landing.