Everyone knows that the important component of our kitchen is garlic. Who is engaged in vegetable growing, he distinguishes a garden to a popular bully culture on its plot. It is important not only while planting garlic, but also not to miss the time for collecting bulbs so that they are stored until the next harvest.
Factors affecting the cleaning time of garlic
The following factors affect the harvest of garlic harvest:
- Different times disembarking Seeds, there is winter garlic, which is planted in the fall, harvesting is planned for mid-summer. Summer garlic, landing early in spring, and the harvest is collected August - September.
- Various climatic zones -in the south, harvest for a few weeks earlier than in the north.
- Climatic spring and autumn arrival timewhen choosing a duration of planting and harvesting, it does not always coincide with the astronomical spring and autumn.
- Take into account what summer: Warm and dry or cold and wet, which can increase or decrease the ripening time of garlic.
Why do you need to collect garlic on time?
- If you do not collect garlic on time, you can simply not find it in the ground. The lunishing bulb of garlic, consisting of precast teeth, is crumbling when digging out of the ground. Garlic is better to store in the heads, and not by separate cloths.
- Garlic's cloves can be touched into growth - this adversely affects the storage of garlic.
- It is better to remove garlic that did not reach full ripening than overwhelmed. Over time, the bulb is becoming scales and with the right drying perfectly stored until spring.
Landing and cleaning time of winter and torn garlic
Looking out winter garlic recommended from September to the first decade of November. Winter garlic matures 3 months after the appearance of sprouts, and harvest from June to the beginning of August, it all depends on the climate of the region.
Winter garlic It is often used in summer, it is started to tear, as soon as young bulbs appear. As a rule, garlic is used for summer dishes and twists for the winter.
Skar garlic They start to plant only come down by the snow and the Earth will warm up from April and until mid-May. We collect a crop for a few weeks later than winter garlic. The bulbs, with proper storage, lie for a long time, to the new crop.
Many vegetables guided lunar calendar when harvesting. The best days when you can collect garlic in 2018:
- july: 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24
- august: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 15, 16, 29, 30
Symptoms indicating that garlic can be digging
- Leaves wishes, lean to the ground
- If we leave seeds on garlic - bubbles, then focus on the integrity of the shell on the inflorescence. When it bursts, and the matured young bulbs are taken away, most likely garlic ripe
- The bulb of garlic was covered with dense scales, and the cloves are separated from each other garlic can be cleaned
- If you doubt, you can dig garlic and make sure it is ripe
Rules of cleaning garlic
- For harvesting, we choose a dry day and stop watering in a couple of weeks so that the tubers dried and easily pulled out of the soil.
- The shovel is taking under the bulb and carefully dig. Decorating garlic from the ground and leave in the sun for a couple of days.
- Do not hurry to cut stems and roots on the bottom of the bulbs, they still occur biochemical processes and the flow of nutrients in the bulb continues.
- We suspend garlic under a canopy for several days to ventilate.
If you put garlic correctly, observing the rules of the agrotechnology and raised a rich harvest, it is important to collect it right and in time, and save. Then the whole winter to the next harvest on your desk will be a useful and delicious product - garlic.