How to dry garlic

How to dry garlic

Garlic is the most sweet vegetable. His beneficial properties are known to everyone. This useful vegetable is also used to prepare various dishes, because it improves the taste of dishes, and also increases appetite. Garlic is easy to store at home, but if you have no room for its storage, then the vegetable can be dried. This will be discussed in our article.

Rules for preparing garlic

To put garlic, it needs to be prepared for this process. First of all, before digging garlic, do not water it a couple of days. Dig out the ripe garlic, you can define on the leaves. Garlic also should not peresray, because it will be hard to put it. Choose a healthy vegetable, clean, so that there are no suns, spots, etc. Drying garlic is possible in several ways, namely, slices, slices or powder.

How to dry garlic woven into a pigtail?

After you dig garlic, dry it, leaving on Earth for a couple of days. If you see that weather condition is not very suitable, then for drying, pick a warm room where the vegetable will dry the week. When the leaves are dried, cut them out or braid a braid from garlic tops and suspend for further drying.

How to dryly dry crude garlic?

  1. Clean the garlic by removing the top scales, but do not destroy the bulb.
  2. Next, cut the head of garlic with slices of 5 mm each.
  3. Then lay them on a baking sheet, pre-shopping it with parchment, and dry in the oven at 50 degrees. From time to time, interfere with garlic so that he is evenly sucked.
  4. If slices are not bent, but easily break, then it is already dried.
  5. Remove dried garlic slices from the oven, leave them cooled. When they are cooled, check them to separate them from scales, and make a ready-made garlic in a box or a jar with a lid.
  6. For storage, such a garlic is suitable, dark, cool place, where it can be stored for almost a year.
  7. You can also dry the slice of garlic in the sun, but it will take more time, and it is also necessary to monitor that they do not wet the rain.

How to dryly dry purified garlic?

  1. Divide the garlic head on the teeth, clean them from the husks, cut the root neck.
  2. Select good cloves and cut them in half.
  3. Sing up lay out cloves on a baking sheet, pre-stuck with parchment paper, and dry in the oven at 50-60 degrees.
  4. From time to time stir garlic.
  5. If the cloves are easily broken, then they are ready and can be taken from the oven.
  6. After you cool it, you can pack. To do this, use paper bags or glass jars with a lid.

How to make a powder from garlic?

Dry and cool garlic slices, then grind them into powder, using a coffee grinder or a blender. Satch down the powder and store in banks that are well closed. You can store such a powder for almost a year.

Choose any of the ways we suggested and make blanks. Prepare delicious dishes using your billets. Eat garlic and be healthy!

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