How to keep onions for winter

How to keep onions for winter

Everyone is well known that onions are a very useful vegetable. Especially useful is the use of Luke in winter, as it is a period of influenza and anavy. And the bow has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, struggling with viruses and bacteria. In our article we will talk about the preparation of Luke to storing in the winter.

When to collect a harvest?

So it's time to collect onions, usually this is August month. When you see the yellowed leaves, which are adjacent to the ground and poured onion - it means you can collect a harvest.

  1. It is better to do in dry weather.
  2. Gently dug bulbs so as not to damage them, otherwise they will not be stored for a long time and vice versa will quickly ruin.
  3. It is also worth the fruit to pull from the ground, throw them on a bunch, because it can also lead to their damage.

Drying Luca

To the bow stored longer, it needs to be good.

  1. Spread onion outdoors.
  2. In rainy weather, dry the harvest under the canopy, spread it on the floor or on the shelves. You can choose other options for drying. For example, tie the bunches from the bow and hang them dry.
  3. Residents of apartments can dry onions in the same way on the balcony, and if there is no, then you can dry the onions in the oven. But it is important not to overcover it.
  4. On dry bulbs, cut the leaves without affecting the bottom.
  5. Remove the extra scales and dry.
  6. After that, dry onions for two more weeks, regularly moved it.
  7. Telect the bulbs so that there is no damage to them and that the neck is dry and closed. In this case, the bow will be well kept all winter.

Luke Storage Rules

Prepared onions need to be folded into the container. For this, a box, a wicker basket, a bag of fabric, a grid for vegetables or a kapron stocking. But the packaging should not be too big so that the bow is not given and did not begin to rot.

  1. In order for it to be stored at the maximum, you need to periodically sort out it.
  2. In the process, throw away the faded bulbs, and the wet - just dried over and fold into another container.
  3. If you live in the apartment, you can store onions right in your kitchen.
  4. Do not cut down the leaves after, and the glossy of the bulbs in the form of a brand, in such knitting.
  5. They will perfectly complement your interior and disinfect the room.

Luke storage place

If you have your own private house, then of course, the bow is best kept in the basement or in the cellar. And if you live in the apartment, it is better to choose some cool place closer to the balcony or on the balcony.

Green onions for the winter

Green onions are also rich in vitamins, they can also be prepared for the winter. Green onions rinse under running water and give him time to dry. Then cut the onions and fold into the bag or in special containers, send to the freezer. Such a bow can be stored until six months.

Collect and prepare the harvest, in this case it will be kept all winter. Winter billets will never be superfluous, but rather, on the contrary, they are needed, as the onions are used when preparing many dishes.

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