How to prepare garlic to landing in autumn

How to prepare garlic to landing in autumn

To grow good garlic, you must comply with some important conditions. It is properly to prepare it for landing, competently close in bed, conscientiously care for him and at the end - to remove it in time. Now we will tell you in detail about the very first condition: the preparation of garlic to landing.

Selecting planting material

The choice of landing material is competent competent.

  • Only that garlic that is grown in your region is suitable for landing. The one that is sold in supermarkets (usually it is Chinese or Turkish), it is not suitable for landing - it is processed by special chemicals for long storage, which then prevent the aging of large heads. Buy garlic for landing on the market at the local grandmother or grow it yourself.
  • Learn from experienced gardens, which garlic varieties in your area are characterized by good crops. Purchase one of these varieties.
  • When buying, please note that the heads are large and not damaged rot or pests. Felt one head and make sure that it is also clean inside.
  • Discard the purchase of garlic, which in the heads too many small cloves or which has dwelled teeth. Such pathology suggests that the variety has mutated and its further cultivation impractical.
  • Garlic for future planting choose well dried out. Head of quality of garlic should be covered completely dry scales, which can be easily removed with your fingers.

Sorting planting material

Planting material, and this individual cloves, should be sorted by size. It must be done for 5-7 days before planting to teeth additionally aired.

  1. In dry heads gently separate the lower basal plate (this is the place from which the roots grow in garlic).
  2. Divide the heads on the teeth. If, when dividing to the teeth with some of them, the upper dry skin gone, then set it aside. Consistencies without a shell cannot be seated - they rot in the ground.
  3. Also set aside the smallest and damaged teeth - they are also not suitable for landing.
  4. The remaining teeth are sorted by size: large and medium. In the future, try them to different beds. Large teeth increase the head faster and ripen faster. Garlic of the middle teeth you will have to dig a little later.
  5. Store the garlic cloves to landing in a dry cool room and not in the light.

Disinfection of garlic before landing

Garlic, like any other vegetable culture, can be subjected to some diseases. This spice is amazed by garlic tick, nematode (small worms) and various mushroom diseases. So that this does not happen to handle the cloves in front of the landing in the ground with such compositions:

  • From ticks and nematodes. Divide 1 tablespoon of cook salt in one liter of water. Pour the solution into the pan and put into it the teeth. Keep them in salt water one day, and then immediately fall out on the prepared bed.
  • From fungi. Divide 1 teaspoon of copper vapor in a liter of water. Keep the garlic slices in this solution only 30 minutes. After that, immediately make them in the ground. From fungi also helps: a gentle pink solution of manganese (shutter speed - 12-24 hours), the store "Fungicide" (breeding on the instructions on a pack and withstand the teeth for 15 minutes).

If the prepared cloves for some reason you could not fall out in 5-7 days and they are too dry, then in front of the sealing to the garden, expose them to the following procedure. Put the dry teeth in a slightly warm water and hold them for 2 hours. Then shift the planting material in the box with wet sawdust and put it under the battery. In two days, we treat the teeth from possible diseases and land them. You can carry garlic in autumn until October 15. The earth at this time is not yet too cold and the teeth will fit well.

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