Gardeners are often wondering - how to root the cuttings properly. Let's today in this matter and will deal some cuttings and how to root.
Methods of rooting Chenkov
Probably, each gardener came across the problem of rooting cuttings - like and cuttings cut a lot, also stimulants added, and the result is not very. This situation is quite often enough, so you need to find out how to cope with this problem.
In fact, rooting the cuttings by various methods, which today we are in detail with you and consider that everyone can determine exactly what method is suitable for him.
To begin with, we will deal with how to root the cuttings in the water. This method is the most common and simple, which, probably, enjoyed almost every gardener.
We take, cut the cuttings, pick up water into the jar, put the stalk there and wait. The process is simple, but if you do this, then it is impossible to definite it. In order for rooting in water, a positive result is necessary to follow the following rules:
- Do not change the water in the bank. Change of liquid for cuttings is a serious stress that adversely affects their development.
- Water cold to gain in the jar can not, the optimal option is room temperature fluid
- It is impossible to put an excessively large number of cuttings in one container.
- If we talk about the right ratio of water and cuttings, then every 200 ml of water has only a couple, a maximum of 3 cuttings.
- We can not pour a lot in the jar of water, because too much the amount of water in the bank leads to the operational reinforcement of the cuttings.
- In the dark color tanks, the roots are allowed better than in transparent banks and glasses.
In the event that you decided to harvest the cuttings in the fall, but at the same time, the rooting process you are going to spend in the spring, then:
- Lower the lower part of the cutting into the water for 3 hours
- Sut the dry part of the cutting to the living wood
- Put on the permanent setting of cuttings in water
- Add activated carbon to the container with cuttings (if in tablets, then a pair of pieces)
- You can also add root-forming drugs or various fertilizer;
- Capacity with cuttings are kept in a dark place.
In the event that there are leaves on the cuttings, then it is necessary to keep cuttings in the light, and not in the dark.
Rooting in boxes
There is another way of rooting cuttings - in boxes, in glasses of plastic, pots. In general, the rooting of cuttings can be produced in any type of boxes. Here it is not in the container in which you will root, but in the substrate, which will be covered there. Some substrate variants:
- River sand and vermiculite. In this case, the proportion here is equal to the quantity.
- We mix the ground, peat, sand and perlite in the ratio - equal proportions.
All these substrates have a number of features that are the advantages of it, the main of which is high air permeability.
It should be understood that in order for the roots to be formed correctly and promptly, they need air, a sufficient amount of oxygen.
If you do not want to bother and often water the cuttings, you need to reactivate them on the bottom of the container in which you have decided to transferring ropes, the ends of which will need to be derived from the tank and omit them into another water container.
The only thing you need to do is to make it possible to attack the water to the jar so that the ropes are always in water. Thus, you will provide constant moisture in a box or other capacity where you decide to root the cuttings.
So that the cuttings do not rot, necessarily need to wrap the bottom of the tank in the warm winds, but the tops of the cuttings, sometimes it is necessary to ventilate.
If the gardener observes how the kidney began to swell on the cuttings, it means that it was time to easily force the soil in which they are rooted.
Rooting cuttings in the ground
If there is no time to engage in the rooting of cuttings in boxes, water, etc., then you can use the following way - to root the cuttings in the soil. This does not mean at all that you just take a cutlets and put it in the ground, in fact this process looks a little different:
- First you need to prepare a subraction in which the cuttings will be rooted. Here, everything you can simplify and mix sawmills with earth, and the Earth should be three times more than sawdust.
- They dig a hole, it should not be too deep.
- I fall asleep in the previously digged well cooked with my own hands the substrate.
- From above the wells need to float sand (layer of 10 cm).
- After that, we carry the stalks to the soil prepared earlier.
All filling that is in the container is the optimal composition for the extension of cuttings:
- Excess moisture will be absorbed by sand
- Weeds will not grow
- Duct air permeability at high level
The time when the cuttings are rooted. They must be necessarily under the shelter. In this case, the shelter can enter a conventional bottle of plastic, cropped type.
As you understand, rooting the cuttings is not at all difficult if you know the technology of this process and all its details. Even, even a novice gardener can without any problems to root a cutlery without assistance, both in water and in any capacity in which a special substrate will be. If you adhere to all the rules of such a process, the result will be positive.