Bamboo broom - how to use

Bamboo broom - how to use

The new attribute of the Russian bathhouse has a healing effect, has a long service life and does not require special care. Massage Bamboo Broom brings pleasure and pleasure, it does not require experience and special skills!

Bamboo Benik

The structure of bamboo thread includes substances that affect the therapeutic effect on the skin. Taking bath procedures with a bamboo broom, after the first session, the skin alignment and the appearance of velvety. In addition, the bamboo broom has a number of healing properties:

  • Massage bamboo broom is useful to people suffering from various rash on the skin. Within 3-4 sessions, the skin is smoothed, inflammation pass, the flabbing scars and stains leave.
  • Also, the procedures enhance blood circulation on the rubbish area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and give the skin elasticity and youth.
  • Bamboo sticks possess the effect of peeling - they exude a skin and update it. To improve the action, it is recommended to launch a scrub in the skin consisting of honey, soda and salts.
  • Bamboo broom perfectly copes with inflammations of sick joints, possessing the therapeutic effect.
  • Taking therapeutic procedures after severe physical work, you will feel the vigor and tide.
  • It perfectly copes with obesity and stretching, and also pulls the skin tones.

Bamboo broom - how to use when massage

The use of "therapeutic broom" is pretty simple - it is necessary to clean and unplug the skin in front of the massage, and then settled on a flat surface. The first movements begin with soft poles, moving into more intense patches. In compliance with the elementary rules, massage by a bamboo broom will bring you a lot of pleasant emotions and will have a wellness action:

  • Bamboo broom is widely used when rubbing the back, flowing no more than ten minutes. Preliminary breaking broom does not require, sticks are immediately ready for action.
  • Before proceeding to the beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to pass 5-7 minutes, then you need to take a contrast shower and relax. After the secondary hike in the steam room, you can start the massage.
  • The first movements are carried out by soft and stroking actions. Gradually, proceed to gear and cotton, increasing their power. Cotton and patching must alternately replace each other, gaining a greater amplitude of movement. By completion of massage, the rhythm slows down, leading the movement again to mild stroking.
  • Bamboo brooms have flexibility and softness, therefore, they are not possible to cause them possible. But caution should be taken and do not slap a person too intensively, as when using birch brooms.

If the bamboo broom is applied without sprinkling the skin, it should be immersed in hot water for 10-15 minutes. After use, carefully dry and keep in a dry place.


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