Under the rather strange name "ovsyanoblin" hides a very tasty and healthy dish. It is best served at breakfast - time on his cooking takes very little energy but ovsyanoblin charges the body for a long time.
What is preparing ovsyanoblin
The basis of healthy breakfast is oatmeal, so-called Hercules, and eggs. Hercules can be combined with oat flour and any food bran. In this case, the dish does not fall apart, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportion of liquid and dry ingredients. Hercules coffee grinder to grind well - then the dish will be more tender. You can also use ready-made oatmeal, marked "tender". Ovsyanoblin obtained very delicious and when using the mixture of flakes: oat, wheat, rice, etc.
The basic recipe ovsyanoblina
Preparing ovsyanoblin very easy:
- 2 raw egg whisk with a fork.
- Add the eggs a pinch of salt.
- Stir in eggs 2. l. (No slides) of rolled oats.
- Allow the mass to infuse 5 minutes.
- Heat a frying pan and pour into it 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
- Pour the thick mixture of butter and eggs from Hercules.
- Cover the pan with a lid and wait ovsyanoblin grabs.
Ovsyanoblin with hearty fillings
Very good stuff ovsyanoblin different products. To this end, when it becomes elastic, one-half of its place, any suitable ingredients and cover their other half. Again, close the pan with a lid and let the pancake stand a few more minutes on the fire. fillings:
- Grated hard cheese.
- Meat, liver or fish paste.
- Vegetable stew.
When submitting ovsyanoblin with stuffing, sprinkle with fresh herbs or put it on a piece of lettuce.
Ovyasnoblin with sweet filling
For those who love Sweet, Ovsyanoblin Start by sweet cottage cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bon slices fruit, whole berries. In this case, damn can also be done or hold under the cover on fire, or put sweet components directly when the dishes are submitted.
Variations of oatmealoblin
Using the main mass for pancake, you can cook many different dishes:
- Fritters - instead of one pancake fire a few small pancakes. Serve them with honey or sauce from sour cream, cucumbers, garlic and greens.
- Snack cake - prepare a few pancakes and fold them in the form of a "Napoleon" cake. As a filling, use cheese, greens, pies, smear. For sweet - cottage cheese, fruit or berry puree, chocolate paste.
- Roulet - Bake a very thin Ovasnyoblin (replace the Hercules on oat flour). Squeeze the basis of any suitable stuffing and roll in a pancake roll. Cut it on portions.
Surely you understood the essence of this dish - instead of conventional wheat flour for cooking Pancakes are used cereals of cereals or, more useful - oatmeal. At the same time, damn can prepare fat - take 4 eggs and 4 tbsp. l. Hercules, or even thin - from one egg and a spoon of bran. So that the thin pancake is even thinner, add to the mass to baking a spoonful of milk - the dough will become much fat and spread well in a frying pan.
Ovsyanoblin will have to taste and adults, and children. The main thing, take into account the preferences of your home and serve a dish with a variety of sauces or Start damn with all sorts of goodies.