How to cook tomato sauce

How to cook tomato sauce

Delicious sauce prepared on the basis of tomatoes will be a good addition to the meat or fish dish. Such formulations may include a large number of different spices and herbs. Some ingredients with strong aroma or specific properties are capable of changing the taste of sauce. Before choosing a recipe, think what makeup you want to get: classic or original.

How to cook tomato sauce - Preparation of vegetables

Fruits for the preparation of tomato sauce must be selected only fresh, ripe and bright red. The use of brown, green, yellow tomatoes will change the color of the mixture and will affect the taste quality of the finished dish. It is recommended to engage in the preparation of sauce in the country season, when the market is saturated with tomatoes from their gardens. In such vegetables, more vitamins, they are tastier and more useful.

If the skin is rigid, it needs to be removed. For this, tomatoes are pre-soldered with boiling water. Next, seeds are removed from the fetus (they can be carefully removed by a teaspoon). In the preparation of the dish, it is desirable to use a newly cut greens. It may be of herbs such as basil, oregano, mayoran, parsley, dill, thyme, etc. If it is not possible to get fresh plants, you can replace them with dried.

How to cook tomato sauce - Traditional recipe

For the manufacture of tomato mixture, you will need: 700-800 g of fresh tomatoes, greens, onions (one thing), 2-3 garlic teeth, 30 g of olive oil, salt, black ground pepper, to taste.

Perform successively such actions:

  • Prepared tomato fruits (washed, purified from skins and seeds) wipe on a grater or grind in a blender. You can also cut the vegetables with a knife on very small particles. You must have no pieces, but almost a homogeneous mass.
  • Take a deep frying pan or saucepan with a small amount. Heat the oil and put in it chopped garlic. Consists can be elapsed on a grater or finely chop the knife. Lightly fry on slow fire.
  • Clean the bulb from the skins, finely cut. You can wipe onions on a grater or take advantage of the blender. The smaller the fractions will be, the better. Put the crushed bow to garlic. The components are passing in oil until the bow does not get a golden shade. Make sure not to remember the onion.
  • Pour the basis of tomatoes in a saucepan and mix. Fresh greens cut in beds, the roots are preferably pre-separated. Add herbs into a tomato mixture, interfere.
  • Plee the composition on slow heat for 50-60 minutes. Sauce should start thick. For 10-15 mnut until the end of cooking, put in a mixture of salt and pepper. Ready dish remove from the stove and cool.

How to cook tomato sauce to spaghetti

This option of sauce can be served to spaghetti or paste. It is distinguished by a sweet flavor. You need to take: 4-6 tomatoes, 1-2 cloves of garlic, one small Bulgarian pepper, 20-30 g of sugar sand, tablespoon of olive oil, seasonings to taste.

Before boiling spaghetti, start cooking sauce:

  • Wash vegetables, remove the skin with tomatoes and remove seeds. Pepper free from the fruits, rinse inside from seeds.
  • Tomatoes overtake, the pen is better to grind with a blender. You can put in the shredder bowl at once all the main components: tomatoes, pepper, garlic. So you will achieve the maximum homogeneity of the mixture.
  • Place the composition in a frying pan with preheated oil. When the mixture boils, salt it, add sugar sand. Switch to the middle fire and periodically stir.
  • While the sauce is preparing, dare spaghetti. This operation should leave 10-15 minutes. During this time, the tomato mixture will reach and thickens. Finished pasta put in a plate, paint the sauce from above.

Spicy tomato sauce

This recipe is taken from Indian cuisine. It is distinguished by an unusual taste and sharp notes. At 6-7 medium tomatoes, you need to take: a piece of ginger root (about 2 cm), 30 g of honey, sharp chili pepper, 70 g of butter, salt, greens (any fresh herbs, in your taste). You can add ground cumin, coriander if you like these spices.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients and proceed to cooking:

  • Fresh greens, ginger root, chili pennouncement in the shredder of the blender. Pour a small amount of boiled water (approximately 50 g) and turn on the device. You will have a swashing mass.
  • Tomatoes are free from the skins, singing boiling water. Cut very finely to get Cashier. Place the mass in a saucepan of 2-3 liters. Add 200 ml of water to the dishes and turn on on a strong fire. After the composition starts to boil, reduce the fire to the middle and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  • Next, put the oil, honey and other components from the blender to tomato-based basis. Patch the salt, other seasonings to taste. Clear on a slow fire about half an hour.

Ingredients with sharp notes (chili, ginger) Use with caution. Making such a sauce for the first time, it is better to put a little less than these seasonings, as they have a burning and specifically taste. Store the finished dish in the refrigerator, in a well-closed dish.

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