How to treat enuresis

How to treat enuresis

Enuresis is one of the most unpleasant diseases that bring maximum discomfort to any person. This disease is diagnosed both in children and adults. As a rule, enuresis makes itself felt at night, a person is not able to control urination in a dream. There are a lot of different ways of treating enuresis. Before moving on to the direct treatment of pathology, you should first consult a doctor and he will prescribe a competent technique for treating Enorez.

Treatment of this disease consists of several stages. First of all, this is treatment with medical drugs, after which psychological assistance and folk methods are added.

How to treat enuresis - regime classes

In order to cure enuresis, you need to look at your usual lifestyle. It is not rarely long -standing habits adversely affect human health. The main method of treating such a disease is the setting of the regime.

  • Liquid. Control the liquid that you drink throughout the day. Reduce the use of any drinks in the afternoon, it is better to add this fluid volume in the first half of the day.
  • Exclusion in the diet. It is necessary to abandon those foods that provoke urination - caffeine, tea, cranberry drinks and various herbal decoctions.
  • Krasnogorsky diet. In the afternoon, it is necessary to refuse food, which contains a large volume of liquid. Try to control the volume of water drunk until 16.00 and stop using any liquid 3-4 hours before bedtime. Immediately before going to the bed, eat something salty and drink with a glass of cool, not carbonated water.
  • Pillow. Put a soft pillow under the mattress in the legs. This method will help reduce the pressure on the bladder.
  • Mattress. Buy a mattress with a solid surface, thereby you provide yourself with a more sensitive dream. Due to this, you can instantly wake up in case of something.
  • Alarm. Make a alarm clock to wake you in the middle nights. In this case, you will wake up, go to the toilet, then continue to sleep.
  • Stress and depression. The suffering enuresis must beware of falling into stressful situations, because the main cause of the disease is neurology.

How to treat enuresis - psychological exercises

  • Hypnosis. The hypnosis procedure is so as to wake the “guard” reflex. The specialist inspires the patient that he will be able to feel the pressure on the bladder, and then wake up and go to the toilet.
  • Self -hypnosis. Before going to bed, you must relax as much as possible. Close your eyes and repeat 2-3 times out loud “I control my body. When the bladder will give a signal, I will wake up. ” Be configured positively, you must believe in what you are talking about, and you will definitely succeed.
  • Specialist consultation. A trip to a neurologist is one of the most effective methods in psychotherapy. Only an experienced specialist will be able to tell you about the psychology of your body and teach you how to manage it correctly.

How to treat enuresis - physical exercises

Physical exercises are aimed at ensuring strengthen Pelvic muscles and sphincter to control urination. For this, various medical simulators have been invented, you can also perform independent exercises in a home environment.

At the time when urinating will take place, you will need to stop the process. You must stop the flow of urine with the help of muscles. In a minute, continue the process and stop again. Conduct this exercise as often as possible. Then you can strain muscles not only in the toilet, but also lying in beds.

Treatment of enuresis with physiotherapy

There are a large number of different medical devices that contribute to the improvement of the functioning of the bladder muscles. In addition, physiotherapy helps to strengthen the nerve endings, which in turn will correctly give signals to the body about imminent urination.

  • Electron. Provides soothing The effect on the nervous system. Specialists assign this procedure for people subject to frequent stresses and the strongest nervous state.
  • Darsonval. Promotes strengthening the sphincter of the bladder.
  • Electrophoresis. The procedure is also aimed at improving the nervous system.
  • Magnetotherapy. Reduces the tone of the bladder and suppresses the craving for urination.
  • Acupuncture. The procedure is carried out under the control of a specialist. Thin needles are introduced to a person into those points that are responsible for reflexes.

How to treat enuresis - medications

Medicines are prescribed by the attending physician, given the cause of the formation of the disease.

  • Monural, Norfloxacin - are prescribed in the presence of various kinds of inflammation in the bladder.
  • Furamag, Furadonin - The use of drugs is prescribed to adjust the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Radedorm, Eunoktin - Medical products are soothingly act on a person and help relieve nervous tension.
  • Glycine, piracetam - sedative medications that help develop additional reflexes in the body.
  • Amitriptylinantidepressant. It is prescribed to patient with an enuree caused by a mental disorder.
  • Sibutin, Dripan - Remove muscle voltage and cramps, which allows you to control the urination process.
  • Desmopressin - Promotes the reduction of urine at night.

How to treat enuresis - folk methods

  • Honey. Eat 1 tbsp. Natural honey every time before bedtime. If necessary, you can drink honey with a small amount of warm water. The product is able to calm the human nervous system.
  • Dill broth. Dry in a pan 2 tbsp. Dill, it will take no more than 7 minutes. Move the dill to a special dish and pour it 400 ml of hot boiled water, then cover the broth and let it brew within 3 hours. The dill decoction must be divided into 2 equal parts and drunk each time before eating. The treatment course with a dill decoction should last at least 10 days.
  • Corn tea. 1 tsp is taken for 1 cup of tea. corn stigmas and poured with hot water. Tea must be defended for half an hour, after which 1 tsp is added. natural honey. It is necessary to drink a medicinal drink before eating, no more than 2 times a day. The course of taking corn tea is 1 month.
  • Eggshell. Remove the shell from 1 boiled egg, crush and mix with 1 tsp. honey. The resulting consistency must be rolled into small balls. Every day you should eat 3-4 egg balls. The course of admission is 30 days.
  • Board decoction. Mix 50 grams of a bundle and a liter of red wine. Put the ingredients in a dark place for 14 days. A therapeutic drink must be drunk daily 50 grams, no more than 3 times a day. A course of treatment reuskov The decoction is 14 days, after which there should be a 7-day break and the subsequent intake of the therapeutic decoction.

Comments leave a comment
Catherine 06/05/2018 at 19:06

My child began to write at night. It was three times, but I am alarming in full. I see that the daughter herself is worried, I reassure her, but I understand that we can’t do without medical help.

Valeria 05/15/2018 at 13:48

Catherine, and there is no need to try to do anything herself, immediately lead to a neurologist and possibly to a psychiatrist. Do not be alarmed, but it will also help you overcome this problem. We also faced this problem, reacted quickly, rushed to the hospital. Pantocalcine course and everything is in order !!


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