How not to sleep all night

How not to sleep all night

Sometimes in life it happens so that at night, instead of sleeping sweetly, you have to awake. There may be many reasons for the examination - preparation for the exam, diligence at work that you decided to disassemble at home, tightened a celebration or just friendly gatherings. In any case, do not sleep all night - the task is not the lungs. Let's try to figure out how to help your body to cope with it.

Good sleep on the eve of the sleepless night will allow you to feel cheerful. Speake as much as you can. Stand as you can later. If there is an opportunity - sleep for an hour or another during the day. In this case, your body will be relaxed, rested and without much stress will transfer the night without sleep.

Take care of your nutrition. Throughout the day you will need to make at least three dense meals, and for dinner, you should give preference to low-fat dishes, so as not to experience the severity in the stomach. At night, you can arrange easy-to-eat vegetables, fruits or nuts.

In the fight against sleep, chewing gum comes to the rescue. Making chewing movements, you send a brain a signal that now is the time to digest food. As a result, the covered brain begins to allocate insulin and you have a feeling of vigor.

To get rid of the obsessive feeling of fatigue, ventilate the room in which you are. Open the windows, turn on the fan or air conditioner. Cool air activates the processes in your brain responsible for the proper operation of the internal organs and maintaining the constant body temperature. Another best way to cheer up a 15-minute walk in the fresh air.

To do not feel fatigue as long as possible, try to perform any exercise every hour. You can jump or spitter on the floor several times, you can simply make a light warm-up, back, hand and legs. Complete exercises Washing in cold water. If there is an opportunity - your face, if not, rinse only wrists.

In order not to sleep all night, turn on bright lighting throughout the house. Thus, you will get to deceive the internal clock of the body. We also recommend listening to rhythmic music that you do not like, and even better - which annoys you. Songs, unpleasant for rumor, will cause a sufficient amount of emotions in you so that the brain begins to fight with a dream.

There is another interesting technique that helps not sleep throughout the night. At the moment when you feel that it is no longer able to awake, drink a cup of coffee and ... go to bed. Pre-start the alarm clock for 15 minutes. During this short interval, you will have time to relax, and when you wake up - the action of caffeine will begin. Thus, you will get a double charge of strength and energy.

You can, of course, do not sleep for 15 minutes, but simply use coffee-containing drinks overnight. It is both tea, coffee, and coca-cola, and various energy. However, it is not necessary to get involved in such drinks, as they have a negative impact on the work of the cardiac system.

Try to drink as much ordinary water as possible, you can with ice. This will not only be asking for your body, but will be the reason for the frequent visit to the toilet room, which actually also is a kind of reason that does not allow you to fall asleep overnight.

Do not sleep for a person who is accustomed to the normal routine of the day, of course, is difficult. However, if you adhere to our instructions - you will definitely succeed.

Comments leave a comment
Dasha 13/10/2021 at 21:01

Well, I do not think that this is a good idea ... .. I was insomnia forced, because of stresses at work. According to the result, then the problems generally went with the nervous system and even the hair fall out. Therefore, sleep should always be kept under control, fall asleep early and wake up early. I can advise the Evalarov Express Formula of Sleep. It helps with a falling asleep, and very quickly and drinking water is not needed. I advised me a doctor ... .. It is directly solving the problem for many.


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