What to cook from Kohlrabi

What to cook from Kohlrabi

The word "Kohlrabi" came from German, combining the words "River" and "Cabbage". Despite this Kohlrabi is neither a leaf vegetable nor root. This is a thick stem, which is the above-ground look like a turnip or a ball. To taste, she resembles a cabbage with nuts. The outer part of Kohlrabi is pinking or pale green, but its flesh is always white. The season of this vegetable lasts from the summer to the end of autumn, and dishes are simply amazing from it. To please the households of this outlander, it is recommended to study the recipes from Kohlrabi.

Soup Maste

Soup soup from this vegetable, in addition to its delicate taste, is also famous for low calorie. If you suddenly need to feed the set of guests with different taste preferences immediately, this soup is just what you need.
For cooking, you will need:

  • Colraby medium sizes
  • Pair of kabachkov
  • 100 g of milk. It can be replaced with increased fatty cream.
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Kohlrabi and zucchini cleaned from the peel, they cut along two halves, then cut into cubes.
    Take a small container, put on fire. A little vegetable oil is poured onto the bottom and fall asleep sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. They give them a little fry and poured with water.
  2. The gas is reduced and boiled kolrabi with zucchini on medium heat about half an hour. Before removing from the fire, add pepper with salt. At the same time, cream or milk fill in the pan. The fire is immediately turned off so that the mixture does not boil.
    With a submersible blender, all the contents of the pan are crushed. A dish is served hot and at the request of the seasoned grated parmesan.

Kohlrabi in German

Kohlrabi is well amenable to heat treatment and does not lose its structure and form. Thanks to this, it is very easy to prepare in stuffed form. Experienced housewives use this recipe as a basis for their own dish, experimenting with filling.
For cooking you need:

  • 8 small colrab
  • Medium bulb
  • Cloth garlic
  • 500 g of pork minced
  • A little parsley
  • 50 g of butter
  • 150 g of boiled rice
  • 2 large eggs
  • 60 g ground paprika
  • 5 g of seeds of cumin
  • 70 g of tomato paste
  • Seasonings and salt

To prepare sauce, you will need:

  • 600 g chicken broth
  • 60 g of flour
  • 120 ml of enhancement cream


  1. Kohlrabi is brushing. To give it stability from the bottom, a portion of 0.5 cm is cut off. From above, a part is cut off a part with a thickness of 1.5 cm. As a lid. The inner pulp is removed in such a way that the walls are not thinner than 0.5 cm.
  2. The carved flesh is finely chopped, clean and cut onions with garlic, all mix together. Petrushka washes, dried and chopped finely. In the pan heats some cream oil and roasted onions with garlic. After cooking, they are postponed to the bowl and put into the pan, stuffing, mixing it with parsley, egg and a mixture of kollarbai meat. All together poured tomato paste, solid and mix.
  3. After the mixture is roasted, it is laid out in the containers from Kohlrabi with a slide, because when cooking it is boil. The remainder of the kollarbi flesh is mixed with chicken broth, pre-heated it. This mixture is used as fill with dishes.
  4. Pouring is poured into a form for cooking. In it, they are placed Kohlrabi in one row, covered with foil over and put in the oven, pre-warmed it up to 180 degrees. Cooking takes a little less than an hour.
    After cooking, the fill of the shape is drained into the scene in such a way as not to damage Kohlrabi. After that, the shape without fluid is returned to the turned off hot oven and leave to reach.
  5. In the scenery melts the residue of butter and fry with flour, constantly mixing, about 3 minutes. There are cream and boiled cream. After 60 seconds. The resulting mixture is slowly poured into a casserole with a fusion sauce. Place the seasonings and prepare on a small fire for another 5 minutes. After that, Kohlrabi is shifted on the dish and abundantly watered the resulting sauce.

Pampushki with potatoes

Kohlrabi pampushki serve as an independent dish to sour cream or yogurt, and also used as a side dishes from meat or fish.
For cooking you need:

  • Small Kochan Kohlrabi.
  • 350 g potatoes
  • 40 g of butter
  • 2-4 garlic teeth
  • Apple with sweet-sweet flavor
  • 20 g of parsley and dill
  • Vegetable oil
  • 20 g of flour
  • Egg yolk
  • Salt

Cooking method:

  1. Kohlrabi washed and clean with potatoes. Then cut into small cubes. Take a saucepan, pour water into it and put on fire. After the water boils, salt adds to it and fall asleep in the vegetables. They are boiled about 15 minutes. Then shift into the colander so that water glass.
  2. In a big bowl, the oil sink is kneading, then grind vegetables in a blender. At the same time there is a risk that when baking in the future, the puree can dye and pampushki can be flat. A bowl with a puree is covered and left warm.
  3. During the cooling puree apple and garlic clean, the apple is cut into parts and remove the core. Greens wash and finely cut, having preheated. Apple with garlic is also puzzy. Then the remains of butter are heated in the pan. After that, lay the puree from apple and garlic on the pan, prepare 3 min. Mixed and add greens. Prepare for another 60 seconds. After that, removed from the fire.
  4. The oven is warm up to 200 degrees. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, lubricated vegetable oil. A flour is added puree from apples and garlic with a yolk. Spices are seasoned and mixed, then shifted into the culinary bag and squeeze the pampels. Their diameter should be no more than 6 cm. Bake them 6 or more minutes, and fed to the table warm.

Preparation of dishes from Kohlrabi Simple and exciting occupation, because this unusual cabbage provides housewives for culinary creativity.

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