How useful cabbage

How useful cabbage

Cabbage, sauerkraut, stewed, in a salad or borscht. No matter how prepared cabbage, its beneficial properties it does not lose. In this article, let's talk about what this vegetable is useful to the human body.

Autumn Queen - cabbage

Cabbage agricultural biennial plant of the Brassica family (Cruciferae). "Born" cabbage beauty on the northern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, about 3 thousand. BC. e. After that, spread throughout the world, and skilled breeders have already eliminated more than 100 of its species. the most popular in our country are:

  • White cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Broccoli.
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Brussels sprouts, etc..

The rich white cabbage?

Cabbage is a fruit weighing 1-4 kg. This leaves twisted in one head. The composition of the cabbage is rich in various trace elements, vitamins and minerals. The largest share in the cabbage is water (90%). Therefore, this vegetable is actively used in weight loss period, as its calorie only 27 calories per 100 g cabbage can be found not only children, but also:

  • vitamins B, E, U, PP.
  • Multivitamin A.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Potassium.
  • Iron.
  • Fluorine.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Manganese.
  • Calcium.

How useful cabbage to your health?

Laudatory odes to sing the cabbage can be very long, so let's get to specifics.

  1. Cabbage has a good cleansing properties. This Statement brush stomach.
  2. Cabbage leaves are used externally for burns and skin inflammations. They have antipyretic effect.
  3. Of periodontal disease helps cabbage juice, mixed in equal proportions with carrot.
  4. Traditional medicine treats cancer of the stomach and intestines fresh juice of cabbage with honey. It is drunk at 0,5 st 3 times in an hour before a meal.
  5. When inflammation of the larynx, cabbage juice, diluted with warm water 1: 1 polaskay throat.
  6. Sauerkraut - a rich source of vitamin C. It is the use of an excellent prevention of scurvy.
  7. It has expectorant cabbage juice with sugar. This tool eliminates the hoarseness.

How useful cabbage for female beauty?

Cabbage is useful not only for health but also for female beauty. What is its use?

  1. Eating cabbage helps bring the weight back to normal.
  2. Masks based on cabbage possess moisturizing and whitening effects.
  3. Cabbage hair mask strengthen the roots. They are also used for problem scalp.
  4. To moisturize the skin in a bath you need to add a cup of cabbage juice.

Who should not abuse the use of cabbage?

Whatever sprouts useful contra she just has. You should not abuse this product to people who have the following diseases:

  • enterocolitis;
  • hyperacidity;
  • pancreatitis.

You should also remember that the cabbage, especially in the acid form can lead to flatulence. So consider this factor when going on a long an important meeting.

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