Like chopping cabbage

Like chopping cabbage

Each hostess seeks to quickly cope with the duties in the kitchen, as well as to prepare an appetizing and delicious dish. Dozens of recipes and sit down try to diversify the menu, but not every one of us can be beautifully chopped with cabbage. Today we will be together with you to laugh cabbage.

Like chopping cabbage - tips with young hostesses

Even before going to learn a simple case, it is necessary to prepare everything:

  • cabbage needs to choose the whole, without signs of rot;
  • before chopping the Kochan, it must be released from the upper leaves. They are for the cooking of salads and other dishes, will not be useful;
  • the cabbage head is preferably cut first into 2 parts, and then every half another on 2 parts. So it will work much easier;
  • and then you need to cut every quarter to strips, a width of 5 cm. But this can not be done, in the future you will understand which option you will satisfy the most;
  • when you have to shine cabbage, keep in mind that closer to the nickeeper, the leaves are more bitter and are not always suitable, for example, for cooking fresh salads. Therefore, approaching the numor, leave about 5 cm of cabbage leaves near her;
  • in order to quickly chop cabbage, there are special devices on sale: knives with wide blades and a comfortable handle. Be careful when choosing such a knife, because the blades are located on the one hand and this option is not suitable for left-handers;
  • you can also get a special grater for vegetables and cabbage including, but it is best to purchase an electric shink;
  • and most importantly: do not rush, remember the rules of your own security, because the blades of the knives are sharp. Hold the knife firmly in one hand and a head - to another.

How to chop a cabbage

Inspect cabbage: Remove damaged leaves. They are easy to cut with a knife. Prepare your workspace and storage capacity for the chopped cabbage.

As slaw:

  • cabbage should be cut into 2 parts when bought more - then 4;
  • it is desirable to immediately head to cut, but you can leave, it does not matter;
  • take a knife or a shredder in your right hand, and a quarter head of cabbage - on the left;
  • gently knife finely shred cabbage;
  • as work, a quarter turn in the right direction cabbage;
  • try to keep the knife firmly with your thumb lies along the knife handle and the index was at the very top of the handle. The rest of the fingers should be at the bottom and try to do not touch the cutting part of the knife;
  • cut cabbage acute part is necessary so that the knife was not raised up from the board, he must move back and forth;
  • 2 is a method shredding strips of cabbage: over or away. It all depends on how you will be more convenient. For example, if the cook cuts traffic by itself, first the knife should be sent forward, then down. And if the movement itself, the first knife goes down, then comes back.

Now that you know how to shred the cabbage and are advised to check how badly sharpened knife before work and warns that should only be done this job standing.

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