How to store cabbage

How to store cabbage

The storage skills of fresh household products will be useful to every young mistress. Save vegetables not only before winter, that is, frost, but also during other seasons. You can store on the balcony, in the apartment, cellar, and even in beds, if the owner of the house is an amateur to grow its edible suppres. This article describes the storage methods of one type of vegetable - cabbage. It is good and in a winter-summer salad, soup, stew, fried dishes.

What cappist is stored

Only the best cabbage heads are selected - entire, without deferred larvae between the leaves, traces of rotting, crushing, slugs, cracks. If only the top layer of the leaves is sown, it must be removed. The upper sheets perform the protection function. This method of preparing for storage is suitable for different sorts of cabbage (red, white, Brussels, Savoy).

How to store cabbage on the balcony

To storing cabbage on the balcony, the room is glazed and insulated. Cabbage well feels warm. Plus, other vegetables can be stored together with the cabbage. Also more pleasant to have a warm balcony in the house. It must be equipped with insulated storage cabinets (polyfoam insulation). And the cabinets, in turn, are equipped with shelves, where cabbage heads will be laid.

Windows must with ventilation and curtains to create a blackout. A well-equipped balcony is only half of the case, it is important from time to time to revise your cabbage supplies, check for rot. Usually cabbage reel is very well felt. The rest are rotted from one cabbage, so if the owner wants to keep foods in integrity, the vegetables should be taken at the damage.

How to store cabbage hanging

Cauliflower is stored a bit more complicated than white. On the ceiling it is better to make comfortable beams and hooks for hanging cabbage heads. This type of storage is also suitable for white and red cabbage. The vegetable is suspended for the oblong kochan, which is wound a rope. For convenience, each head is fixed at different heights so that there is no contact with each other. You can drive nails to the board, which will attach it on the wall, use also for hanging.

How to store cabbage in the ground and sand

For storage in the sand or explosion, it will take cabbage with long numors. If the sand is a costly way, mounds. Heads stick in the soil of a depth of 20 cm. But minus the earth is that it is covered with time, and the sand remains crumbly.

The second way of storage in the sand is to float sand cabbage in wooden boxes. They are needed without holes so that the sand does not flip through the holes. At least at the beginning, the option is financially expensive, but the storage material is reusable.

How to keep cabbage in the cellar

To store cabbage in the cellar you need to stick to a certain temperature. Optimal humidity 85%, temperature +2 C. For storage cabbage, specially wooden shelves are knocked down, racks. Cabbage is laid out on them without contact with neighboring vegetables. You can wrap the cabbage head into paper or nutritional film. Although the last option is very expensive, it is often used in stores. The cellar also set boxes that are shot down so that the products that are stored in them have had free access to air.

How to store cabbage in clay

The method is though dirty, but working. Clay is prevented with water in proportion 2: 1, the consistency of sour cream should be obtained. The clay layer on the cabbage does not shine, completely covers the leaves. Next, the cabbage is dried out in the fresh air and is placed in the cellar for further storage.

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator

The home option is designed for several kochanov. Cabbage is placed under the glass, in a special box, calculated for storing various vegetables. To isolate from a neighboring vegetable cabbage put in the package, but do not close so that the vegetable does not rot.

Knowing the most important moments of cabbage storage, you can safely protect it, for example, from rotary processes. Rotation is often due to the large content of water in the cabbage leaves, also contact with another type of moisture. Cabbage is a mass of vitamins, which are desirable to keep in integrity for their household. These knowledge will help not only save the product, but also the best way to equip your home so that every corner worked for the owner or the hostess.

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