How to store grapes

How to store grapes

The grapes grown at the cottage very much want to save longer. If it is correct to come to the process of the workpiece, then the bunches with berries can fly to the new year. Before laying out a vintage for storage, read our article. In it you will find the most important recommendations for the correct storage of grapes.

How to store grapes - selection of varieties

For storage, only grapes of late varieties are suitable with a thick skin - they are called "with good herbal." Such varieties are:

  • Moldova.
  • Rainy red.
  • Lyana.
  • Baska, and other similar.

If you can grow a good bed grapes, but do not provide him with special conditions, then keep the berries for a long time you will not succeed. For storage, a well-ventilated basement is needed, the temperature in which is kept from 0 to +5 degrees, and the humidity is from 90 to 95%.

How to Store Grapes - Pre-Cutting Cream

  • Sliced \u200b\u200bcompletely rided brushes on the bookmark. Carefully inspect them and select those where there is not a single mint or twisted berries. Try when cutting not to touch the berries with your hands so as not to smear the white raid on them - this light wax waiter can perfectly preserves berries.
  • Do not cut the brushes early in the morning for dew or immediately after the rain. Choose a walking day, a couple of days after the last rain, and time is closer to the evening.
  • Stroke with bushes cut off the sharp secateur and lay them out into one layer in a flat box.
  • On each cluster, leave as long as possible tail - for it you will then hang grapes.
  • If there is an opportunity, then leave a part of the vine from one side of the tail, on which grapes rushed. This vine is useful for storing grapes in water bottles.

How to store grapes in a suspended state

In the basement, organize a special horizontal beam. Click on it or large nails. The tail of each cluster will convey the flexible wire and make a loop out of it. For this loop, we swell a bunch to hooks. Provide a small gap between separate clusters - they should not touch each other.

How to store grapes with water bottles

This method will be useful to you if your basement is too dry and there is no possibility to maintain the desired humidity.

  • Make inclined shelves in the basement.
  • In the top of the shelves, lock plastic or glass bottles. Fill them with water.
  • In the bottles lower the tips of the vine that you left during the cutting of the brushes.
  • As water evaporates from bottles, plot it.

How to store grapes in boxes

In flat boxes, lay out the straw or large sawdust of fruit trees. On the straw in one layer, lay out the cluster tails up. Try so that the bunches of grapes do not touch each other.

During winter storage, periodically examine grapes. Suspicious clusters (sluggish, covered with mild ripples, with spoiled berries), remove from the basement.

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