How to cook cabbage for pies

How to cook cabbage for pies

Some hostesses, going to fry patties, focus on test. They believe that the air dough makes any patties delicious. Others adhere to the opinions that the main in the pies is a filling. Such mistresses say that the delicious and original stuffing even a fresh dough patty will make a culinary masterpiece. We will not argue on this topic, and better learn how to cook cabbage for pies.

How to cook cabbage for pies fresh

Take such products: white cabbage - 0.5 kg, onion - 1 large, carrot - 1 medium, vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp, sour cream - 1 tbsp., Salt, pepper - by pinch, dry Spicy herbs - taste.

  • Onions Cut very finely. Carrot soda on the grater. Tear vegetables on oil to transparency.
  • Cabbage Touch and overtake with salt - it will let juice.
  • Put cabbage to onions with carrots and extinguish 15 minutes.
  • Add pepper into the pan, spicy herbs and sour cream - more than 5 minutes.
  • Give the stuffing completely cool and only then put it in the pies.

How to cook cabbage for pies sauer

From the sauerkraut filling turns out to be more acidic. To soften it a little, you can put boiled eggs in the cabbage.

  • Boil 2 eggs screwed and after cooling, cut them with cubes.
  • Cabbage (500 grams) Wrap it on the sieve to the juice stack from it. Press it a bit with your hands - it is a lot of land. If the cabbage is very sour, then flush it with cold water.
  • On three spoons of vegetable oil, fry one chicken bulb.
  • Add to bow cabbage and extinguish until it is soft.
  • Try cabbage for acid. If it seems too poorer, then put a gear of a teaspoon of sugar.
  • In the cooled cabbage, put the cutting eggs.

Delicious cabbage filling for pies is ready. It is well suited for cabbage cake.

How to cook cabbage for pies - some recommendations

A few more very useful tips so that the cabbage filling is very tasty.

  • Add a couple of spoons of high-quality tomato paste to the finished cabbage. Take the cabbage with her for another 5 minutes. It is not necessary instead of pouring tomato juice instead of pouring - it will make a filling with a more liquid and because of this patties will be very difficult to loose.
  • Fry on gram oil 100 of any mushrooms. They can be salted marinated, fresh or frozen. After frying the mushrooms, finely chop the big knife and put in the finished cabbage.
  • Sweet apples are well combined with sour salty cabbage. Sat one apple on a large grater and extinguish it along with the cabbage.
  • The spice that is best combined with cabbage is a cumin. Take it 1 teaspoon, hold for a couple of minutes on a hot frying pan, and then grind in the mortar. Thus prepared in this way, put in the already cooled filling.

In the video, it is talking about how to cook delicious cake patties. Prepare an author's recipe video or use any stuffing about which is told in this article.

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