Allergy to the Sun - Symptoms and Treatment

Allergy to the Sun - Symptoms and Treatment

Recently, the number of people who collided with photodermatosis has increased. Under this diagnosis implies a special type of allergy in the sun. Let's talk about why there is a similar pathological response of the immune system on the sun's rays, as he manifests itself, and how to cope with him.

Types of allergic reactions in the sun

The pathological response of the body in the sun can appear instantly as soon as ultraviolet rays fall on the skin. Or arise a few hours after the tan.

By the nature of the manifestations, such an allergy has several types:

  1. Phototrahmatic reaction is a conditionally normal skin reaction after long sunbathing. Such a phenomenon can be even a healthy person and, as a rule, ends with burns.
  2. Phototoxic reaction - manifests itself in the form of erythema, swelling, hyperemia, bubbles. It is also observed after the use of preparations with the content of photosensitizers - natural or synthetic substances, repeatedly reinforcing the effect of sun rays.
  3. Photo-allergic reaction - the pathology of the work of the immune system, as a result of which the human body is unable to normally perceive the interaction of the skin with ultraviolet rays. When contacting the Sun, the skin rejects the UFO, which is manifested by various rashes (papulas, pigmentation, vesiculitis), redness, itching.

Allergy to the Sun - Symptoms

General signs of the disease are very variable. They depend on the age, the state of immunity, provoking factors.

As a rule, allergic to the Sun is manifested by one or more symptoms from this list:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Different rash in appearance.
  • Strong itch.
  • Education with purulent exudate.
  • Solid tubercles.

Allergic reaction can only be on one site, for example, on the neck, elbows, zone decolte, or throughout the body. Initially, a slight peeling can appear, uneven skin relief, itching. Then joins the swelling, pain, peel, blood discharge from the Russian Academy of Sciences. But most often, photodermatosis resembles a gloomy or anclamp.

Sun allergies - reasons

The main allergy provocateur in the sun is a phototip of the skin. We are talking about first phototype (Celtic), which is peculiar to pale, poorly sunbathe skin.

Also cause allergies to the sun can Gunter's disease. This is a congenital form of photodermatosis, which causes the intolerance to light (sun and daytime). When contacting ultraviolet rays on the skin, cracks immediately appear, dental enamel acquires a pink color, skeletal cartilage deformed.

In most cases, photodermatosis causes various substances:

  • hygiene products;
  • plants;
  • perfumery, cosmetics;
  • cream;
  • sunscreen lotions;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • household chemicals;
  • medications.

Important! Increase the risk of developing allergies to the sun. Such products: celery, sorrel, nuts, carrot Fresh, Bulgarian pepper, citrus, coffee, alcohol.

Allergy to the Sun - Treatment

Before starting treatment, find out the cause of allergies. After that, the patient's contact with allergy provocates is completely eliminated, if a certain substance is the cause. If the cause of photodermatosis lies in the inner disease, the primary cause of allergies is treated.

For the symptomatic treatment of allergic manifestations on the skin, such drugs can be appointed:

  • Creams, ointments - remove itching, reduce the skin lesion area. Phenolic gel, La Cree, Desitin, Flotet, Histan, Decantenol, Ppi-Balsam are used to treat.
  • Antihistamines - stop an allergic reaction by blocking histamine. Claritin, Loratadine, Zoda, Supratin, Zetrin are prescribed.
  • Vitaminotherapy - contributes to the restoration of the immune function. The reception of the tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamins of the group B, nicotinic acid is shown.
  • Enterosorbents - remove the body intoxication. Effectively helps polysorb, smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel.

For prevention, try not to be in the sun for more than 20 minutes, use only high-quality sunscreen and at the first manifestations of allergies, contact an allergist.

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