Gingivitis - Symptoms and Treatment

Gingivitis - Symptoms and Treatment

Gingivitis is the lesion of the gum mucosa, which is manifested by an acute inflammatory process that does not affect the seashene compound. The disease causes bleeding and soreness of gums, quickly spreads and often goes into a chronic form.

Gingivitis - feature of the disease and causes of its development

Gingivitis, being an infectious disease, is potentially dangerous to human health. This gum disease in 30% of cases provokes the pathology of the heart and pancreas, and pregnant women are premature birth.

This pathology is in most cases diagnosed in an adult half of the population and is extremely rare in children. The main cause of gingivitis is a bacterial damage to the oral cavity caused by microbes from the dental plaque.

The development of gingivitis contributes:

  • Feature of the anatomical location of the teeth (pathological bite, incorrectly shape of the teeth).
  • Uncomfortable dentures.
  • Dummy damage during dental manipulation.
  • Toothstone.
  • Insufficient oral cavity hygiene (stuck food between teeth, improper teeth cleansing).
  • Changing the composition of saliva.

Also on the development of gingivitis may influence internal diseases:

  • stress;
  • genetic disorders;
  • endocrine Dysfunction;
  • blood disease;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • HIV;
  • chronic diseases;
  • intoxication.

How the gingivitis proceeds - species and symptoms

Gingivitis can manifest in different ways. Specific symptoms in the patient will overeat from the form of the disease:

  • Catarial gingivitis is manifested by extensive redness of the tissues of the gums, strong swelling, abundant blood release. In terms of the extent, the patient can mark itching, weak tingling, pain discomfort during food chewing.
  • The ulcer-necrotic gingivitis is accompanied by the formation of ulcers, and over time, nearby fabrics begin to necrotize. The patient almost always has a sharp repulsive smell of mouth (Halitoz), the gums hurt, which leads to a refusal of food. Without treatment, there is a temperature increase of up to 38-40 ° C, severe weakness appears, the lymph nodes increase.
  • Hypertrophic gingivitis causes swelling of gums. They rapidly increase and cover most of the tooth. First there are no symptoms, and then bleeding begins, pain.

Important! Very often, Gingivitis is not an independent disease, but a sign of more serious pathology - periodontosis.

Rules of treatment Gingivita

Treatment of the disease begins with the definition and operational elimination of the cause of gingivitis. If it is caused by a dental stone, caries or an incorrectly supplied seal - carry out purification and treatment of the tooth. With incorrect bite, the patient restore the correct position of the teeth.

  1. In the acute course of the disease, the dentist appoints a course of antibacterial drugs (in dentistry, metronidazole is often used by 0.5 g twice a day).
  2. Conduct anti-inflammatory therapy to restore the gum tissues. The dentist prescribes a gel, for example, the metragil of the Denta or the ointment of Salkirel. Processing the gum about 6 times a day. If there are ulcerative formations, they are treated with sea buckthorn oil.
  3. For insulation infection, a rinse with an antiseptic is prescribed. Chlorhexidine or Miramistine can be used. The liquid is taken in a non-diluted form and the mouth of the mouth is 3-4 times a day.
  4. The dentist gives recommendations on choosing toothpaste. It should be with extracts of medicinal herbs, have a firming, anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate bleeding.
  5. Since gingivitis is often caused by a decrease in immunity, the patient shows the reception of vitamins. Additionally, dentists can make vitamin injections in the gum.
  6. With severe pain syndrome, dipheedrol or acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed.

Important! During the treatment period of gingivitis, it is forbidden to use whitening pastes or rinses.


For the prevention of gingivitis, you need to maintain the oral hygiene. Do not forget to brush the teeth of therapeutic pasta twice a day, after each meal, clean the teeth in the thread and maintain immunity.

Comments leave a comment
Diana 28/09/2019 at 21:18.

The very first symptoms of gingivitis - pain and inflammation in the gums. It is impossible to confuse anything else.

Inna 09/29/2019 at 22:40

In addition to pain, there may be even bleeding, which is also affected. In general, in such cases I take the gel holisal and immediately starting to handle the gums to them in order to get rid of inflammation to quickly. Well, if possible, I go to the dentist, once in half a year I try to do professional oral hygiene.


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