Croup in children symptoms and treatment

Croup in children symptoms and treatment

The croup is a rather serious and dangerous disease in children, especially for kids. They fall into the risk group due to the anatomical features of the growing organism. In general, the chief in other words can be characterized as the pathological process of the respiratory system. And what is characteristic, he occurs most often at night, so it is very important to recognize it and take the necessary measures in time. From the article you will learn about what kind of symptoms are talking about the presence of a breakfast, and on the methods of its treatment.

How to recognize croup - symptoms

Immediately, I would like to note that this disease does not arise from nowhere. His appearance is preceded by a number of reasons:

  • croup can develop against the background of acute respiratory and viral infection;
  • also, the provocateur may be influenza;
  • another reason for the development of the croup can be a disease of diphtheria;
  • if the child has insufficiently calcium in the blood, then it can provoke croup;
  • all kinds of allergic conditions;
  • of course, various infections of a bacterial nature can lead to the fact that the child is inflamed highly nostrostnik and, accordingly, the croup begins.

This does not mean that every time, sick ORVI, the child will fall due to the night cereal. But in any case, at such moments, parents should be extremely attentive to recognize the symptoms on time. In principle, the croup is a laryngotrachite in an acute stage, that is, the whole of the ladies and trachea are inflamed. What symptoms accompanied this condition:

  1. The most explicit indicator is witnessing voice. That is, a child even when trying to say something to say a rough, sharp sound or, on the contrary, due to the swelling of the larynx, his voice ligaments will not be able to give any sound.
  2. Another distinctive feature of the cereal from other diseases of the respiratory system is the peeing cough, which is impossible to confuse with anything.
  3. And finally, the breath itself becomes noisy, as if whistling. Even can permanently dryness.

Treatment of cereals in children

Knowing the main signs of such a dangerous disease, you should always understand how to help your choi, facilitate his condition before the doctor's arrival. Your actions should come down to the following:

  1. First of all, of course, do not slow down with a challenge soon, because only a qualified specialist is able to assess the severity of the disease and assign the appropriate treatment, which, by the way, in most cases may include the use of glucocorticosteroids
  2. If the child breathes is breathing, and in the room dry air and too hot, you need to open the windows and ventilate it well. Thanks to fresh air, the child can become a little easier.
  3. Be sure to give the crude warm drink, because, as a rule, at this moment the child has a porous throat, which is constantly able to moisturize.
  4. With the same purpose, the child can be attributed to the bathroom and hold on hand, having previously gaining hot water into the bathroom, which will create evaporation and humidity in the room.
  5. Be sure to give the child any antihistamine drug. It can be phenyatil, claritine, zetrin, edem, etc. Antiallergic drugs should be an integral part of your home first aid kit, because they can help quickly cope with edema.
  6. If the baby is hot, and he has a high temperature, try to do everything to decline it. Because there is a direct connection: the higher the body temperature, the more edema develops. However, remember that aspirin can never be used in the cereal as an antipyretic.
  7. If your child has a nose, drove him into each nasal stroke of the thorough drops so that he should have to breathe mouth.
  8. If you have a nebulizer houses, then the child can be inhaled with a bulvikart or ventoline that will help to remove bronchospasm. But then only the doctor must prescribe the necessary dosage, based on the age and weight of the child.

When the first assistance was provided in the criterion in children and the life-threatening symptoms were removed, the treatment continues, based on the clinic of the disease. These may be muscolics and bronchophiles, antiviral agents, antibacterial agents (if the disease already lasts more than 3-5 days), as well as immunomodulators.

Dear readers, we described you the main symptoms and treatment methods in the criterion in children, but remember that you can never abuse the health of your crumbs. In any incomprehensible situation, please contact medical care. Health to you and your children!

Comments leave a comment
Arina 18/11/2021 at 13:32

As far as I know, such kids are very scary. Scary and pleasant in it there is nothing. We are strengthening immunity to do not face with it. Helm enmuno. The benefit that they are delicious and child eats without problems like candy. But really this salvation.


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