Pharyngitis - Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Pharyngitis - Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Pharyngitis in adults - is inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. It can be acute or chronic in nature, which is caused by a virus, and sometimes bacteria. Often together with this disease develops tonsillitis.

The symptoms of pharyngitis

A characteristic symptom is sore throat temperature rise to 37,5-37,8 degrees, the attenuation body. Then these symptoms align clear indications that develops pharyngitis:

  • Pain, dryness and sore throat.
  • If there is significant swelling of the ears as if I would also swell.
  • Cough that brings anxiety.
  • Redness of the tonsils sky, coating in the form of mucus and pus.

If the disease is in a severe form, it can develop laryngitis, tracheitis, konyuktevit. The chronic form does not involve changes in the state of health of the patient. The patient's throat is dry, there is a need in the expectoration of mucus, normal body temperature.

general treatment

Treatment involves a complete cessation of smoking and inhalation of dust particles, finding the cold. Constantly it is impossible not to lie on the couch Regardless of form of the disease, because the general condition is not much deteriorated. But to carry on his feet throat and can not be, because it can extend the period of illness. The patient should eat food gentle, drinking warm tea, honey and milk. In addition, the positive impact on the state following procedures:

  • steaming feet;
  • inhalation;
  • rinsing the throat soda solution, hlorofilliptom;
  • packs for warming the neck. Can be used dimexide, Antiseptic solution.

local treatment

First you need to cure the factors that trigger the disease. When a viral infection need antiviral treatment, with bacterial - antibiotics. Apart from the above solutions rinse nessesary to use antiseptiki- lollipops and sprays plant-based ( Adzhisept  D. MOM, Kamfomen), with antimicrobial substances ( Faringosept., Septefril) or with the protection of the mucous membrane ( Lizobakt). Sometimes appropriate drugs with painkillers are appropriate - this is Strepsils Intensiv. In rare cases, antibiotic therapy are prescribed - Bioparox. To raise immunity, effective drugs with bacteria lysate are IRS-19 and multivitamin complexes.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

In addition to treating medicines, it is possible to achieve quick results with:

  • UHF. If the disease progresses, it can be affected locally on the sides of the neck. Procedures are held every day for ten minutes.
  • electrophoresis using antiseptics.
  • darsonialization. The pulse current acts on the circulatory system, activating metabolic processes, improving tissue trophics, reducing pain.

Treatment in time pregnancy

Mommy, waiting child, feels many inconvenience at it is disease, because how accept medicines v it is position it is forbidden. The main thing, stick to such recommendations:

  • constantly rinse throat. Recommended make this is brazers  calendula, romashki. and plantain. Also can use solution Rotokan or pills Furatcilina.
  • not overdrive throat,
  • reception permitted drugs.
  • drink many warm fluid. Ideally, if this is will alkaline drink (milk, water without gas), beverages with vitamins (mors., citric tea).
  • avoid sharp, salt and smoked dishes.

Pregnant women at farriage allowed drink Strepsils and Faringosept., which effective at lungs forms.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Medicinal plants remove inflammation, soften and askage.

  • bath. Add v bathroom several drops eucalyptus or timyan. Yet can make infusion from timyan.
  • chewing bud carnations. it remove anyone inflammation.
  • rinsing. That's why necessary rinse glot herbal infused, which cooked v proportions 15 g on cup water. Also effective marks water. Her necessary dive nose and spit out mouth. Favorable act air w. seas, which the influences on fast recovery.
  • moisturizing air. Fromper pierce mucous arises feeling discomfort. Air at finding v throat, passes moisturizing v nose. For these goals recommended use humidifier.
  • raise head. Morning pain explained emission acid with stomach, which cause irritation fabrics  gorel. If raise head on ten santimeters.
  • garlic. Spoon torn khrena, honey and torn garlic stir v 200 ml water. Drink solution, constantly stirring sediment.
  • inhalation. Can make procedures with infusion cones, a also sosnova coffee. Collection leaves motherandmachi., mint. and camera insist v stachen boiling water. Use 50 ml for one inhalation.
  • melissa. it plant possessed anesthetic effect, therefore necessary make inhalation and rinsing with application inferior melissa and mint..

It is possible to treat pharyngitis after consulting Laura. And for the prevention, it is recommended to order the body, throwing smoking and restore impaired nose breathing.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 12/21/2019 at 19:59

Excellent article! I, with a bough in the throat of Lizobakt, I absorb 2 tablets 3 times a day, very helping such treatment! I am pleased with this drug

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