Viral conjunctivitis - symptoms and treatment

Viral conjunctivitis - symptoms and treatment

Transferred respiratory diseases lead to a decrease in immunity. This increases the risk of infection with viral conjunctivitis.

First symptoms

The period of time of the microbe and the development of the disease is 4-12 days. The first symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form:

  • redness Eye, severe tears. This is explained by the fact that the vessels will expand, and the nervous processes annoy.
  • separated composition in the eyes.
  • zoom lymphatic nodes that hurt during tacking.
  • svetuboyanis And the feeling of the presence of something in the eyes.
  • loss of transparency of the eye cornea, leading to a deterioration in the quality of vision.
  • fatigue Eye apples, as well as eyelids.
  • selection Pus, problematic opening Eyes in the morning.

Usually such manifestations disappear after seven days. If not to treat the disease, it can lead to a decrease in the quality of vision.

Treatment of adenovirus conjunctivitis

For treatment, drops containing interferon, and ointment:

  • Ophthalmeron Removes inflammation, favorably affects the immunity, kills the virus. Drinking two drops a day six times. When decreasing symptoms, perform a procedure 2 times a day.
  • Halfd Eliminates the virus. The principle of treatment is similar preparation. Drinking eyes need 7-10 days.
  • Aktipol. - promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane and tissues.
  • Florenal - Ointment for the fight against herpes, or windmill. Twice a day lay ointment over the eyelid. The use of the preparation is 10 to 40 days.
  • Tabrofenova Ointment with a wide area of \u200b\u200bapplication is applied three times a day.
  • Bonafton. Adults are laid in the eyelid 0.1 grams three times a day for two weeks.

Ointments can be combined with drops. Before you use the ointment and drops you need to wash your eyeballs herbal infusions. When this ointment is applied after half an hour after the droplets. For maximum effect, prescribe an antibiotic. Only a doctor can prescribe.

Herpetic viral conjunctivitis and its treatment

The herpes virus affects the mucous membrane and skin, including eye conjunctiva. If a rash appears, it is possible to treat it with green paint. Also require ointment having antiherpethetical effect. This Zovirax, Florenal, Aciclovir. When skin lesions around the eyes will require oral antiherpethetical means. Be sure to include in therapy immunomodulators. Prescribe an antibiotic to eliminate the risk of recurrent disease.

The acute form and treatment

First of all you need escape pus, which is an excellent reproduction of microorganisms medium. For the treatment need:

  • boric acid solution
  • eyedrops antimicrobial spectrum,
  • virusocidal drugs, including solutions, ointments ( florenal, oxoline, tebrofen).

In order to achieve the result sulfacetamide or tetracycline is not required, which are powerless in this situation. They should be used for prevention.

Traditional methods

Use the methods of traditional medicine is necessary, along with medical supplies, as well as after consulting an ophthalmologist. Consider the most effective recipes:

  • chamomile. Infusion of this plant help to cope inflammation and redness. Preparation: a teaspoon of raw brewed cup of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it can make lotions.
  • sheets tea. Treatment tea is possible both in adults and very young children. Brewed tea is used for lotions.
  • Dill. Of fresh plant juice to get that wet eyes. Another recipe with dill spoon dill, 2 tablespoons of chicory flowers and rose petals, a spoon of horsetail, marshmallow root. Mark three spoons mixed ingredients and pokipyatit in a teacup. Drip eyes of three drops.
  • Rose hip. To prepare will need 2 tablespoons of crushed berries and a glass of water. The capacity to put on low heat, boil for 5 minutes and insist. Throughout the day to wash decoction of the eye. parsley and carrots. Shredded components are carefully squeeze for juice. Drink half a glass before a meal.
  • Juice cucumber and soda. Dilute the resulting mixture with water and applied to the eye to relieve edema.
  • Penicillin. The powder in the bottle add water and shake well. Washing the eyes can be removed quickly from konnyuktivita.
  • Furacilin. This tool can also be used to children. Smoked cotton disk wipe eye. For each eye, use different disks to prevent the development of infection.

If the stage of the disease is initial, then it can be used to treat folk methods. If the situation is aggravated, the doctor's assistance will need, which will add medicine for a certain period. It depends on the nature of the disease.

Comments leave a comment
Mayan 05/15/2018 at 14:03

Last night, the eyes began to get out, silence. When they went to bed, they were red, like a rabbit already ((hoped that it could pass by the morning and this is not conjunctivitis, but nothing for the night happened, conjunctivitis is and should be treated.

Olesia 05/16/2018 at 15:40

If accurately confident, the treatment must begin immediately. I myself have already just appeared the first symptoms, I know that the conjunctivitis begins. Run in the pharmacy, buy drops Floxal and start dripping. After a week, the eyes are healthy and nothing bothers.


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