Conductible anemia - symptoms and treatment

Conductible anemia - symptoms and treatment

More than half anemia develops due to the lack of iron. The insufficient amount of the element leads to the fact that the hemoglobin molecules cease to form, and blood does not tolerate oxygen in the required volume. Iron deficiency Negatively reflects on the condition of the skin, hair, hearts and digestive systems.


Symptoms are expressed depending on the nature of the development of this state. If the disease develops slowly, then get rid of it will be easy. The average degree of anemia often does not manifest. The most frequent symptoms are:

  • Weakness, reinforced heartbeat after load, shortness of breath, headache and noise in ears, fainting.
  • The patient is characterized by irritability, malfunction with sleep, reduced attention. Because of weakened blood flow, the cold is more felt, the appetite is reduced, sick, the chair changes.
  • Failure in the menstrual cycle in adolescents.
  • The main symptom is a pale skin color, mucous membranes and a century, nail.
  • If there is not enough iron in the body for a long time, then I want chalk, wood, ice, mud. There are also changes in the smell, namely, like the smell of paint, gasoline. With a long deficit, the tongue, corners of the lips, are inflated and cracks. At iron deficiency The body is more susceptible to ORVI.


With the help of a diet, it is impossible to cope with the heavy stage of anemia, but it is quite realistic to exclude its development in primary signs. To do this, you need to follow these rules:

  • Focuscontaining protein. This is cottage cheese, liver, meat, fish, protein.
  • Control consumption of fats whose sources are fatty varieties of fish, meat, birds, bass. It is better to choose easier fats - it is creamy, olive, sunflower oil.
  • Do not drink a lot of tea and milk, because it prevents the absorption of iron.
  • Cereals, puddings, sugar, honey, jam, beans, flour, vegetables and fruit - it sources of carbohydrates, which can be used without restrictions.
  • Vitamins B and C. The first contained in liver, yeast, kidney, proteins, meat, fish, and the source of ascorbic acid is lettuce, onions, cabbage.
  • A lot of iron in pigs and beef liver and tongue, turkey meat, rabbit, buckwheat, oatmeal, caviar sturgeon.

Reception Bad

To increase the iron is recommended to take Bada. Bada include in its composition organic salts of iron - it fumarate, bisglycinate. In addition to iron in their composition contains substances that contribute to better assimilation and transportation of this element. It hematogen and brewer's yeast.

Treatment Badami It involves taking medication for 3 months.


The market offers many dosage forms with salts of 2- and 3-valent iron. Early treatment is selected:

  • sulfate
  • fumarate
  • gluconate gland

3-valent iron salt often do not bring no effect, therefore, be treated with initial symptoms maltozatom iron is not recommended.

  1. All preparations are in the form of capsules and tablets.
  2. The first three months you must take drugs in therapeutic doses, then prevention.
  3. Take iron supplements between meals, drink juice or water.
  4. If the anemia is severe stage, the need intramuscular or intravenous injection, and , blood transfusion.

Transfusion erythrocyte masses

If a person's life in grave danger, then prescribe a blood transfusion. Doctors consultation discusses each case individually. If the hemoglobin level of less than 60-70 g / l, there are severe signs of anemia at least 21-26% hematocrit and no reaction to the use of other drugs, the blood transfusion is possible. If all of the above conditions are met, the transfusion can take place successfully.


This is an additional method of treatment, which is required when receiving iron supplementation. It is recommended to drink nettle charges. This plant reduces bleeding and promotes blood clotting. Charges with strawberries will stimulate hematopoiesis. Infusion of rosehips, comprising vitamin C, improves the absorption of iron. You also need to drink beet, pomegranate juice.

Iron deficiency - it is a disease that is a long time does not manifest itself. For this reason, everyone should fully fed and receive Bada For prophylaxis. Thanks to this, adults and children will be good. At the first symptoms of anemia, you need to see the doctor for the advice and purpose of drugs.

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Zhanna 17/10/2020 at 2:53.

For reliability, raise iron and products and pharmacies. Looking at my starting low analyzes, measures are clearly impossible. By the way, the pharmacy chose Evalar Iron Helat. This form is easily absorbed and quickly goes into the bloodstream.


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