Pullure lungs - symptoms and treatment

Pullure lungs - symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the pleura, which is accompanied by the advent of fibrous plaque or the formation of traffic, is called pleurite. It may arise as an independent disease (primary pleurisy) or in the form of complications of various pathologies (secondary pleurisy). In many cases, pleurisy is considered as a symptom of already existing systemic disease (tuberculosis, oncology).

Purrites - Causes of Appearance

Puritis refers to diseases of the respiratory system. It is accompanied by sharp or chronic inflammation of pleural sheets. Purrites can be acute and lasts from 2 weeks to a month. If the pleurisy remained unnoticed, then the staging stage comes from 1 month to six months. After that, a chronic form is diagnosed.

Important! The pleurisy is made to divide into two types: infectious (causative agent is any infection) and noncommunicable.

The causes of infectious inflammation of the pleura are:

  • bacteria (pneumococcus, meningococcus, etc.);
  • fungi;
  • any injuries in the chest;
  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis chopsticks or existing tuberculosis;
  • surgical interventions;
  • typhoid fever.

Non-infectious pleurisy cause:

  • malignant tumors of the respiratory system;
  • metastases that have reached the pleura;
  • lung infarction;
  • defeat of a timber diffuse character (for example, sclerodermia, systemic vasculitis).

In addition, there are a number of factors that increase the risk of pleuritis:

  • chronic stress;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • hypokinesia;
  • strong supercooling;
  • incorrect, poor nutrition;
  • allergies to medical preparations and volatile substances.

Important! Infectious pleurisy develops after the penetration of infection through the mucous membranes, blood or with any contact with the patient.

Purrites - pathological symptoms

Clinical manifestations depend on what kind of patient is a type of pleurite - dry or with the formation of exudate (pus, water, blood).

Dry pleurisy is accompanied by:

  1. Breast pain with cough or severe breathing.
  2. Discomfort that forced to occupy an inconvenient position.
  3. Surface breath-exhalation.
  4. When listening to the lungs heard - noise, loose breathing in the affected sheet of pleura.
  5. Heat, high sweating.

Purit, complications of exudate:

  1. Stupid pain in the projection of the affected side.
  2. Dry exhausting cough.
  3. Dyspnea without load on the respiratory organs.
  4. Feeling severity, pressure in the hypochondrium.
  5. Total weakness against the background of elevated temperature.

Important! With purulent pleurisy, the rhythm of the heart muscle is rapidly growing, the temperature is growing rapidly, there is an acute pain in the chest, the skin becomes an earthen shade.

Purrites - diagnosis and treatment

For diagnosis, a number of research is carried out:

  1. Collecting patient complaints and determination of clinical manifestations.
  2. Radiographic research.
  3. Blood analysis, urine, pleural effusion.
  4. Microbiological diagnostics.

After confirming the pleurite and the definition of its type, appropriate therapy is prescribed. If a dry form is diagnosed, such treatment is shown to the patient:

  • Analgesiki and anti-inflammatory funds: Tramadol, Diclofenak, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Spasmalgon, Ketanov.
  • Warming procedures: compresses, as well as mustard pieces and iodium mesh.
  • Anti-tech drugs - Ambroxol, Codelak, Pertissin, Liebeksin.
  • Anti-tuberculosis drugs are prescribed in a tuberculosis dispensary in the case of tuberculous pleurrites.
  • Antibiotics are shown if the pleurisy is caused by bacteriological infection. Ceftriaxone, benzylpenicillin, Sumamed can be appointed.

With an exudative pleurisite, the fluid is removed using puncture. In some cases, they resort to surgical removal of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe pleura (relevant in the chronic flow of the disease).

Competently composed treatment, the immunomodulatory therapeutic course and the correct way of life helps to quickly cure plerites and prevent repeated recurrences.

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