Otitis Middle Ear - Symptoms and Treatment

Otitis Middle Ear - Symptoms and Treatment

Otitis of the middle ear is an inflammatory process as a result of the activation of infection in the middle department of the authority. The disease occurs in people of different age categories, but predominantly affects children by virtue of the anatomical structure of the ear: they have Eustachiev pipe is still short and without bends, which contributes to the active penetration of nasopharynx bacteria.

Otitis Middle Ear - Causes of Disease

Otitis the middle ear can flow in two stages. First develops acute inflammation caused by the following factors:

  • penetration of pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci, etc.) for diseases of the ENT organs;
  • partial overlap of the auditory pipe and the subsequent deterioration of air circulation, which is caused by a nasal partition curve;
  • traumaism of the eardrum;
  • infection through blood (with influenza, ORVI).

In some cases, acute otitis becomes chronic. As a rule, this happens under the influence of such factors:

  • ignoring the disease or not to the end of the treatment of acute stage;
  • scarring the eardrum;
  • pathology of Eustachius pipe;
  • diabetes;
  • immunodeficiency state;
  • difficult nose breathing.

Important! Chronic otitis of the middle ear often causes smoking or unfavorable accommodation conditions.

Otitis Middle Ear - Symptoms

Acute otitis of the middle ear manifested by such signs:

  • painful syndrome in the ear, in the ear plot, sometimes the pain gives in the temple, the jaw. Pain may be acute or pulling;
  • feeling of ear congestion, rich reduction;
  • an increase and pain of lymph nodes;
  • purulent or dumping exudate from the auditory pass.

Important! Acute stage is always accompanied by heat, weakness, nausea.

Characteristic symptoms of chronic otitis:

  • purulent discharges that are enhanced during the recurrence of the disease. Over time, they acquire a malware smell, which indicates the growth of polyps or bone degradation;
  • hearing loss caused by decreased activity of the auditory ossicles.
  • tinnitus, unpleasant feeling (vibration, click, pulsation);
  • moderate pain and dizziness during the period of exacerbation;
  • stiff facial muscles.

Otitis media - Treatment

otitis treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the patient's condition.

  1. The initial stage of acute purulent secretions forms without successfully treated hot compress which is applied to the region around the ear.
  2. Additionally, patients were administered anti-inflammatory analgesic drops, e.g., Otipaks, Anauran. If the inflammation is accompanied by purulent secretions and fever, Antibiotics - Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Netilmicin.
  3. Besides the main treatment the patient bed rest is shown. The ear should be insulated with a woolen scarf or a scarf. In addition, water treatments are prohibited.
  4. If purulent bag can not break through the conservative way, do it surgically. It takes a strong pain, helps drops penetrate and speed up recovery.

In chronic otitis media often it happens aggravation. To alleviate the condition prescribe antibacterial ear drops. After reducing inflammation determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it:

  • if a defect of the tympanic membrane, conduct its closing cartilage of the tragus;
  • in the presence of abundant exudate recommended bypass membrane for extracting exudate;
  • if they find a scar, making it excision.

Otitis media - a dangerous disease that can cause deafness, the growth of polyps and even meningitis, so treat it a must.

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